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Tag Archives: Sam Worthington

Book review: The Shack

The Shack. Photo: Windblown Media

William Paul Young’s novel The Shack became a mega sensation after solid word-of-mouth from America’s Christian community transformed it from a little-known novel from a tiny publishing outfit (operating on a shoestring marketing budget) to a USA Today best-seller. With the film adaptation—featuring Hollywood stars Sam Worthington and Octavia Spencer—about to hit Aussie cinemas, Rodney Eivers reviews the 2008 book ...

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Film review: Hacksaw Ridge

Andrew Garfield plays Desmond Doss in Mel Gibson's Hacksaw Ridge (2016). Photo by Icon Film Distribution.

Mel Gibson’s personal transgressions are easily forgotten when witnessing his extraordinary ability to communicate the Christian faith in Hacksaw Ridge. Ashley Thompson reviews. Like Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson can be an easy personality not to like. Like Cruise, Gibson’s controversial personal life is no barrier to profoundly appreciating his talent and contribution to filmmaking. And just when you thought the ...

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