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Tag Archives: Synod in Session

Synod starts with a purpose

Deaconess Terani Lima, Rev Dennis Corowa and moderator Rev David Baker take part in a Samoan symbolic time of confession. Photo: Ben Rogers

The 32nd Synod meeting of the Uniting Church in Queensland began on 20 May 2016 as Rev Dennis Corowa, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress and Calvary Presbytery chairperson, acknowledged the traditional owners of the land at Alexandra Headland, the Gubbi Gubbi people. “We pay our respects to elders past and present and say prayers with all those in the future,” ...

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Flow to grow

Church planting cartoon. Photo by Phil Day.

They say memory may not be housed just in our brains. I remember that some of my training talked about “anchoring”, that a memory, idea, thought, theme or plan, can be physically anchored in another part of our bodies—just as a noise, song or smell takes us back to a memory of life, so also one of these may be ...

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Six awkward meeting moments (and how to solve them)

Members vote positively at the 31st Synod. Photo by Uniting Communications.

Everyone knows the Uniting Church loves a good committee. With the 31st Synod sitting this month, Journey writers have gathered some helpful hints based on the Assembly’s Manual for meetings about how to avoid those awkward meeting moments. Why wasn’t I told about this? Similar to “Am I late?” this question indicates that the speaker has ignored their emails or left ...

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Peculiar things we do: Conferences

UnitingWomen conference promotional poster, featuring woman of varying cultures laughing and interacting. Photo was supplied..

Why travel to Sydney when you can watch a webinar? Ashley Thompson explores. In Australia, many Christians wait in anticipation for annual gatherings. We go to great lengths, spending precious leave and flying interstate to listen to keynote speakers whose content is often easily accessible online or in their latest book. We attend conferences for a variety of reasons, such ...

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Seven weird ways to serve your church

You can serve your church in unusual ways.

Did you think serving the church only involves greeting people at the door or pouring cups of tea? Serving your church, whether it’s your local congregation or some of the larger bodies within the denomination instills a sense of ownership and helps grow faith. There are many different ways to serve, not all of which are immediately obvious. Here’s some ...

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