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Tag Archives: Trinity Theological College

Book launch draws together Trinity ties

Rev Dr David Mackay-Rankin (left) and Rev Dr Geoff Thompson attend Rev Dr Thompson's book launch. Photo: Supplied

A book launch for Rev Dr Geoff Thompson’s exploration of the Uniting Church in Australia’s foundational document, the Basis of Union, brought together two former principals of Trinity Theological College. Matt Gees reports. Disturbing Much, Disturbing Many: Theology provoked by the Basis of Union by Rev Dr Geoff Thompson was launched by the former principal and academic dean of Trinity Theological College ...

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Wellness centre opens its doors

Clinical Nurse Manager Janine Porter-Steele and volunteer Sandra Morris at the Wesley Hospital’s new Choices cancer support and wellness centre in Auchenflower. Photo by Holly Jewell.

A grand old house located at the Uniting Church Centre in Brisbane has undergone a transformation into the Wesley Hospital’s new Choices cancer support and wellness centre. Dianne Jensen reports. The massive front door is open for visitors at the heritage-listed brick residence at the heart of the Queensland Synod office and Raymont Residential College in Auchenflower, Brisbane. Drysllwyn, built ...

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In search of the great silence: Rediscovering Christian meditation

Shirley Sargeant facilitates contemplative prayer sessions at Stillpoint in Toowong. Photo taken by Holly Jewell.

The ancient practice of Christian meditation is experiencing a revival, and Uniting Church members are among those rediscovering the value of silence. Dianne Jensen reports. When the street noise and the background chatter finally fade into nothingness, there is silence. And in this place of deep stillness, all subterfuge cast off, we may find that the peace of God does ...

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Volunteers share the chaplaincy load

Queensland Synod chaplaincy educator Lynne Gibson works with Cert IV Pastoral Care students online and in the classroom

May is the month of Chaplaincy Sunday and National Volunteer Week. Ashley Goetze speaks with two Uniting Church volunteer chaplains about their sector’s needs. Health care, aged care, education, police and emergency services, defence, tourism, human services and sport and recreation are the seven formal sectors of chaplaincy found within the Uniting Church. Need and calling draw out volunteer chaplains ...

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