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Tag Archives: Uniting Church

Lead vulnerably

When I was preparing to serve in the role of moderator a friend lent me a book on leadership. Leadership on the Line is by Ronald Heifetz, a physician who plays the cello, and Marty Linsky, who has a background in politics and the media. Neither of the authors is a theologian, but the last section of the book focuses on body ...

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President launches bushfire appeal

October's bushfires devastated the Blue Mountains region of New South Wales

The worst bushfires in 45 years have devastated the Blue Mountains area. The Uniting Church Assembly is responding, but requires generous assistance, reports Matt Pulford. President of the Uniting Church in Australia Rev Dr Andrew Dutney has launched a national appeal to support those facing loss and hardship from the recent bushfires in New South Wales. “The fires have destroyed or ...

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I needed help and I knew it

I knew I was in trouble when I was sleeping poorly and my usually sunny nature gave way to a cloudy, stormy self. In 2009 a series of things converged in my life and I was diagnosed with depression. The triggers included being very tired because we lived next to a major road, I was away more than 100 nights ...

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More than meets the Y

Kerry Marnane examines what discipleship means for an emerging generation in the church. As a member of Generation Y, I have heard the labels so often attributed to us. True, we are as a whole reluctant to commit—be it to events, careers or relationships; and we so often display a sense of entitlement—to a better future, better opportunities and higher standard ...

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We’re all in this together: What the latest data says about the Uniting Church

Source from 2011 NCLS attender denominational surveys

National Church Life Survey analysis is highlighting some encouraging trends in Uniting Church congregations, reports Dianne Jensen. Do you feel settled at your local church, yet sense that your gifts are not being fully used? You’ll support outreach initiatives (if they don’t clash with your volunteer work) but would prefer not to personally invite people to church. Growing confidence and ...

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Set free to live for others

Arie and Anneke van Klinken. Photo by Holly Jewell

Lives ruled by faith and inspired by a love of adventure have their own reward, as Arie and Anneke van Klinken discovered. Dianne Jensen reports. Arie, 17 years, was picked up outside curfew by Nazi police in Emmen, occupied Holland. A few days later, en route to Gestapo headquarters, he escaped by jumping from the train while it was stationary. ...

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The devil’s in the detail: Navigating the political landscape

The devil's in the detail: Navigating the political landscape

Knowing how to balance convictions of faith and political expediency is a challenge at election time, but being politically engaged takes more than showing up on polling day. Rohan Salmond explores. The debates are on, the attack ads are out and the campaign is in full-swing. On 7 September, Australia will once again make its triennial pilgrimage to the polls ...

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