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Tag Archives: WINTER2019

Winter 2019 edition now available

Welcome to the Winter 2019 edition where you’ll find extensive coverage of all the news from the 34th Synod including the outcomes from the Moderator-Elect discernment process and various reports that were put to the Synod. One of the great opportunities attending Synod in Session affords is to meet various people from around the life of the church and I ...

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Letters to the Editor – Winter 2019

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

More thoughts on marriage from Pittsworth Some thoughts from a regular church attender. I read with interest Barbara Lanham’s comment on marriage in the Summer 2018 edition of Journey. This is her personal view as Pittsworth congregation have not voted on the use of church buildings for marriage. Judging from the number of church people I have spoken to most ...

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Calvin text finds new home at Trinity College Library

A 365-year-old copy of John Calvin’s Institutes treasured by St Stephen’s Uniting Church in Toowoomba has a new life at Trinity College Queensland Library. Dianne Jensen reports. A venerable tome from the historic St Stephen’s Uniting Church in Toowoomba is now available to another generation at Trinity College Library in Brisbane. The 1654 copy of John Calvin’s Institutes, brought by ...

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New faces in ministry – Winter 2019

David Paasi Not having grown up in the church, I had a conversion experience 11 years ago while reading the Gospel of John. My ministry is a little bit different to some of the other ministries within the Uniting Church as it is charismatic in nature. Uniting Church frameworks have become more open to charismatic renewal, particularly in healing. My ...

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The art of sharing faith

Meet Uniting Church artist Cees Sliedrecht, who was born and educated in The Netherlands. Cees moved from a career in business management and education about ten years ago to focus on the visual arts, including art tutoring Australia-wide and in Europe. In the beginning I mainly work in watercolour, using a detailed pen drawing as a basis. My style is ...

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Postcards from the past

Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus’ regal entry into Jerusalem. “The whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had seen” (Luke 19:37). The disapproving Pharisees petitioned Jesus, “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” The ...

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Making a move on mission

I hope all our readers had a blessed Easter. Thanks to the generosity of our donors we were able to sponsor 23 candidates across Queensland—from Toowoomba to Bowen, from Bundaberg to North MacKay—from the 2019 Easter Madness Appeal. This enabled free registration and accommodation for campers outside of the south east corner during the four day Easter Madness Camp held ...

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Mission Control: Notice

Over the course of 2019, I want to unpack a simple mission framework in this column. The framework is represented by four words—Know, Notice, Discern, Act. Having begun with exploring the word “Know”, and connecting mission with discipleship, let’s move on this month to consider the second: Notice I know I can sometimes get caught up in my own busyness ...

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Boundary riding – Church and Community

In a new column for Journey, Rev Peter Armstrong—UnitingCare Queensland’s Associate Director of Mission—shares the inspirational stories from around the state of community partnerships and how congregations are living out the church’s call to make a positive difference in society. “There are times around here when the only people at a funeral are us and maybe the Police.” [A Bluecare ...

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