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Graphic: Uniting Communications

Letters December 2016

More memories at the Crossroads 

Just to add to Rodney Boyce’s plea (“To the editor”, November 2016 edition) for a future reference to Crossroads in Journey.
In January 1978 I left as minister of a country parish in Queensland (we were refugees from Bjelke) to take up the position of “Christian Education Officer” for the (then) Uniting Church in Australia Synod of Tasmania. Within a year or so, at a national Joint Board Conference for Christian Educators, I met Ed Smith, the great mover and shaker of Crossroads Queensland.

One night after a very long day he ear-bashed me from 10 pm until the wee hours, about Crossroads. I was convinced.
Soon he visited Tasmania to set up our first branch and from there we had vigorous branches in the three main population areas of the state. After my retirement in 1990, one of the original Crossroaders has always sent me the annual report of Crossroads Tasmania. I just mention a few facts from recent reports to illustrate how much Crossroads is an integral part of the life of the (now) Uniting Church Presbytery of Tasmania. The 2014 report mentions that Crossroads Tasmania now has approximately 250 members in six branches. Some branches are over 30 years old and still vigorous. I have wondered how this great movement is going in Queensland now.

Rev Alan Renton
Magnetic Island

Reflecting on reflections 

Thank you Ashley Thompson for your respectful and timely article, “Reflections on the unborn” (November 2016 edition). Through four stories you raised the complex issues women face when dealing with an unexpected pregnancy.

I liked Sandy’s words, “I would never judge another woman’s decision … until you’re in the spot you don’t know.” I am pleased Rev David Baker confirmed that the Uniting Church does not hold one position on abortion yet pointed out to the inquiry that both the foetus and the mother have rights and that changes to Queensland laws need to recognise these competing rights.

I believe our responses to women and couples who face such issues need to be deeply pastoral and offer unconditional love and support no matter what the outcomes are.

Rev Lorna Skilton

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