To drink or not to drink
To drink or not to drink is an individual decision hopefully based on factual information. While the alcohol policy from the 23rd Queensland Synod is admirable, the effect of alcohol in human suffering, family violence, child abuse, neglect and poverty as well as cost to industry and the community must be highlighted.
I do not hear the Uniting Church taking a vocal stand against these issues or for that matter the similar effects of gambling or the Federal Government’s inhumane, in my opinion, policy on asylum seekers.
Where is the “church militant” today or has the Uniting Church become a “don’t rock the boat” organisation?
Rowena Solomon
Sherwood Uniting Church
Keep up the good work
Some months ago I wrote to you mentioning the improvement I thought there was in the magazine. It is better and last issue’s Lion film review was interesting. I read the issue from cover to cover and hope more will contribute.
In this busy life Christians need to follow the reading of the Bible more and more and encourage the Bible’s message as much as possible. It is disturbing that many of the younger generation are ignorant of its teaching and guidance and find it difficult to understand.
Could you help in giving enlightenment in the encouragement of daily devotions, study groups, maybe using The Message or other versions?
Thank you to all involved in the production of Journey and may you be given guidance and God’s blessing as you serve Him.
F.J. Uebergang