Forgotten or neglected?
I noted with interest your heading “5 Forgotten hymns” on page 18 of the April edition of Journey.
I believe that the heading should have been “5 Neglected hymns”.
A hymn which should have been included is “Low in the grave He lay” (Methodist Hymn Book 211). My opinion is that no Easter celebration without this hymn [worship song] is complete.
Grahame Tainton
Readability or trendy?
Congratulations to the editorial staff on a very interesting journal. In the last issue (April 2017 edition), the first few pages are easy to read having crisp, black print on white paper but then, oops, other pages have gone all trendy with overprinting on illustrated backgrounds reducing earlier clarity.
Like many data projection screens used in churches and other places these days, many people preparing them are unaware of standard guidelines in this regard and think they are creating more attractive/interesting presentations.
Sadly, no thought is given to the fact that there are those present who may have reading difficulties including older people. Also attention should be given to size and style of print.
Val Watson
Bribie Island
Something for Rowena
Each fortnight Sue Hutchinson and I put together an update of what’s going on in the area of social responsibility. We cover issues including poverty, refugees, Indigenous issues, mental health, the environment, disability, gambling and others.
I thought we were doing OK. Then I met a minister I know from years back. She was unaware of what I did now. Then I read from Rowena (“Letters to the editor”, March 2017 edition) that she doesn’t hear the Uniting Church speaking against inhumane actions on asylum seekers. Obviously we’re not doing enough
If you’re interested in faith, social issues and opportunities for action I encourage you to sign up for our updates at
David Weddell
Research officer, Queensland Synod