While our primary focus should be to take the gospel message outside of these four walls, Easter presents an opportunity to welcome newcomers to church. We asked a Uniting Church teenager for some suggestions about how to invite someone to be part of the church.
Show them hospitality
What’s the adult equivalent of a sleepover? Do that! Invite your friend or acquaintance out for coffee, over for dinner or up the coast for the weekend. Maybe they’re new to Australia and could use a friend to show them around. Be that friend; show them hospitality.
Take them to a protest
A core value of the Uniting Church is a commitment to working for justice. Perhaps you have a Facebook friend outspoken about political injustice? Take them to a protest, attended by church members, to witness faith in action.
Bring them along to a working bee
Does your church have an op shop, sew blankets for the homeless or clean up the yards of the elderly on the weekend? Compassion and selflessness show that Christians are prepared to roll up their sleeves, and getting together for a good cause can be loads of fun. Look for ways to connect people who care about others.
Include them in fellowship
Invite your co-worker, friend or gym buddy to a fun event such as “youth group” socials which can include anything from theme park outings to bowling and movie nights. Keep them in the loop about camps, conferences and activities such as Easter Madness, day camp or family camp.
Invite them to an Easter service
Easter services should be seeker-friendly and both Christians and non-Christians will recognise Easter Sunday as a key date on the calendar. On this morning you can be guaranteed an atmosphere of jubilation, plenty of other visitors and the straight-up gospel message—rather than those awkward topics which always seems to crop up when you bring first-timers.
Join the conversation about ways to invite people to church by writing in to journey@ucaqld.com.au or by commenting on this article below.