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Search Results for: Timor

Why give when there’s so much need at home?

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to impact the Australian economy, UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor explores how the Christian faith shapes attitudes towards globally-focused generosity. With millions out of work in Australia and the economy flailing, we put a simple question to a couple of Queenslanders: “In the midst of so much need here in Australia, why do you continue to support ...

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Go beyond, but start here

UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor reflects on expectations and transformations over the Christmas period and how the journey towards positive change is life-long, relational and hard won. There’s an assumption about “poor people” that gets splashed around this time of year, when many of us are celebrating and feeling a tad guilty about it. It shows up in the face of the ...

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34th Synod in Session: Called to seek the kingdom

The 34th Synod at Alexandra Park Conference Centre on Friday 17 May 2019 was officially opened by the Moderator Rev David Baker. Journey reports. Moderator Rev David Baker welcomed Assembly President Dr Deirdre Palmer and Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer, as well as visitors from the Ekaristi Church in Dili, Timor-Leste, Bevinda Pinto and Isac de Jesus. A powerful Welcome to Country ...

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Meeting Christ alive

UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor reports on how the spirit of Christ is alive and well in the life-changing work Queensland congregations are doing to help the people of Timor Leste. Billy Graham famously suggested there is more evidence that Jesus rose from the dead than there is that Julius Caesar ever lived. It’s a big claim. I guess he’s talking about ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. This will be the final Religion wrap for 2018. Thanks to everyone for reading.  Explosive truth behind site of Jesus’ baptism Christianity Today goes in-depth on the current state of Jesus’ baptism site on Jordan River’s shore and the dangerous conditions which have been the legacy of the Six-Day War when ...

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Why Defence chaplains carry Bibles, not guns

Whether on the front line with Australian troops or working with military personnel and their families, Defence Force chaplains like Uniting Church minister Rev Charles Vesely are a potent reminder that the end state of conflict is always peace. Dianne Jensen reports. In the deep night silence of a forward operating base in Afghanistan, Australian Defence Force (ADF) members cluster ...

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Is Satan hiding in AI?

Once the stuff of science-fiction cinema like Terminator or 2001: A Space Odyssey, there’s no escaping the reality that artificial intelligence (AI) is deeply embedded in our lives, from the way we use the Internet to the medical industry using it to predict illnesses based on large quantities of historical patient data. All technological advances come with a degree of ...

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After the flood, where’s the river of tears?

With a major humanitarian disaster unfolding in Nepal, India and Bangladesh due to dangerous flooding, UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor asks where is the media coverage and what can we do to help?  The first I knew of 16 million people inundated by floodwater were the photos from a friend on Facebook. Outstretched hands, bare shoulders, muddy torrents: they were the first of what ...

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August 2017 Journey now available

Art has been on my mind: I visited Sydney’s Art Gallery of NSW and Museum of Contemporary Art Australia during a recent holiday and it reminded me how art can unlock ways we see the good, the bad and the ugly in our society, and gave pause for contemplation about who we are and where we’re headed. I also stumbled ...

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