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Search Results for: Timor

Gifts that kept on giving- A tale of friendship between Glebe Road Uniting Church and Ekaristi Church in Dili, East Timor

By Peter Rekers, Communications Coordinator, QLD Synod. When Noela and Noel Rothery visited East Timor in 2010, they never expected the turn of events that would follow. They immediately recognised the opportunity and need to help the struggling nation by donating to help where they could. On returning to Glebe Road Uniting Church in Ipswich, west of Brisbane, the congregation ...

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Becoming the good news in Timor—a profile on Rev Dr Mery Kolimon

The Evangelical Church of Timor’s first female Moderator, Rev Dr Mery Kolimon, has a vision for the church to be fully immersed in society and ensure the good news transforms the lives of those in the country. UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor profiles Rev Dr Mery Kolimon and explores the important work being done by the church in response to cyclones, COVID-19 ...

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Putting smiles on faces in Timor-Leste

Glebe Road Uniting Church, Ipswich has fostered a partnership with Ekaristi Church in Dili, Timor-Leste for the past nine years. Ekaristi church operates Marcelo 2 Eskola, a kindergarten and elementary school on the church grounds and Glebe Road members have raised funds to assist in the building of extra classrooms at the school. A visit to Timor-Leste in 2016 coincided ...

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These Timor-Leste kids love to see the dentist … meet the Aussie church members who made it possible

The Statement to the Nation (1977) made by the Uniting Church in Australia 40 years ago spelled out the enduring connection between the founding denominations and the churches of the Pacific and South East Asia. A partnership between Glebe Road Uniting Church, Ipswich and Ekaristi Church in Dili, Timor- Leste is proof positive of that evolving relationship. This report by ...

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Bridging the Timor Gap

Teachers at Marcelo II School, Dili, using laptops donated to them by Glebe Road Uniting Church. Photo by Noela Rothery.

A partnership between two churches in Ipswich and East Timor is helping change lives in both places. Mardi Lumsden reports. Glebe Road Uniting Church in Ipswich, west of Brisbane, has a long partnership with East Timor. When members, including Noela and Noel Rothery, experienced Timor for themselves through a UnitingWorld InSolidarity trip in 2010 they understood how a partnership could ...

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Making them Indonesians- child transfers out of East Timor

Monash University Publishing 2012, RRP $34.95 Reviewed by Selina Li Duke. "MY decision to write about child transfer out of East Timor was influenced by my interest in the 'stolen generation' of Australian Aboriginal children," says Helene Van Klinken, formerly of Indooroopilly and currently a researcher in Holland. Her book explores the little-known fact that during the Indonesian occupation (1975-1999), ...

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Foundation building for Timor children

IN MAY Rev John Ruhle and Rev Tanya Richards led a team to visit projects in East Timor supported by Uniting Church congregations. This included the work of the Timor Children’s Foundation which has its support base predominantly located in Queensland. The Timor Children’s Foundation continues to be engaged in two long term projects: supporting the St Mary’s Children’s Home ...

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Rebuilding East Timor Appeal

The Uniting Church in Australia, through Uniting Church Overseas Aid (UCOA), has been monitoring the situation in East Timor very closely, and keeping in regular contact with our partner organisations on the ground said Acting National Director Rev. John E. Mavor. YASONA, the community aid and development arm of the Protestant Church in East Timor (IPTL), has been under enormous ...

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Uniting Church helping rebuild East Timor

The fight for freedom from Indonesia for the East Timorese people may have ended after they voted for their president, raised their own flag, and sang their own national anthem on 19 May 2002. But the process of rebuilding the new nation of just over one million people remains a big challenge, which a young former East Timorese freedom fighter ...

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UCA offers education for East Timorese

Mr Andrew Johnson from the Office of Social Responsibility and Justice praised the work that is being done through the scholarship fund when he personally visited students in poor families in East Timor. The Uniting Church provides over 200 scholarships to pay fees for senior high schools students, university students, and young men and women for trades education. “During the ...

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