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Search Results for: worship

First and Second Peoples come face to face

Haileigh Childs (left) from Queensland, and Donna Champion from South Australia, at the UAICC national conference. Photo was supplied.

About FACE has been forging relationships between First and Second Peoples for over 30 years. The latest program has continued to build that trust and understanding. Nigel Trapp reports. Brisbane university student Haileigh Childs admits she had little understanding of Aboriginal culture prior to immersing herself in the About FACE program. “My relationship and understanding was virtually non-existent before. I ...

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New Congress chair calls for greater independence

Rev Dennis Corowa, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress chairperson. Photo by Rohan Salmond.

Queenslander and presbytery minister of Calvary Presbytery Rev Dennis Corowa has been appointed chairperson of the national Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. Nigel Trapp reports. New Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress chairperson Rev Dennis Corowa is keen to see Congress operate with more independence, but not at the expense of the interdependent relationship between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous ...

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General secretary follows his calling

Gary Doyle, Queensland Synod general secretary. Photo by Holly Jewell.

Ashley Thompson speaks with newly appointed Queensland Synod General Secretary Gary Doyle about his passion for young people and the church. Last December Gary Doyle and his wife Helen uprooted themselves from their home in Townsville and moved to Brisbane—enabling him to become general secretary of the Uniting Church in Queensland. “I don’t really see this job as a promotion; ...

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Living the gospel in 2015

Queensland Synod Moderator Rev David Baker. Photo: Holly Jewell

This is the first Journey of the New Year, so I want to outline for you again the discernment of the 31st Synod regarding the broad priorities for the church’s life going forward. Synod discerned the following: making our worship accessible and attractive growing our members in their passion and ability to share their faith planting new communities of faith ...

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There is room at the inn

Sunday School teacher Elaine Hawthorne with the children at Aspley Uniting Church. Photo by Katy Edwards.

What would it take for your church to become a place of refuge? Think carefully, because God’s hospitality demands that we welcome the outsider with open hearts and minds. Dianne Jensen reports. Kieran is an ex-prisoner who went looking for a church where he would be welcome. He was a new Christian whose life had taken a radical about-turn in ...

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Ring in the changes

Phil Smith. Photo by Rohan Salmond.

After a career in media Phil Smith has found himself lay pastor to a kind of faith community not often found in the Uniting Church. Rohan Salmond talks to him about faith, ecumenism and the future of church. “I have just turned 53 and really would not have expected to be in this activity in this season of my life,” ...

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Strangers love this church in paradise

St Mary's by the Sea in Port Douglas. Photo by Elizabeth Clark.

When was the last time the sound of singing drew passers-by into your church? Dianne Jensen discovers why people can’t walk past St Mary’s by the Sea in Port Douglas, North Queensland. At the picturesque St Mary’s by the Sea in Port Douglas, the worship service is relayed by loudspeaker to the markets just outside. The voices from around the ...

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Albert Street celebrates 125 years

Evelyn and Douglas Levingston celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at Albert Street's 125th anniversary high tea. Photo by Wesley Mission Brisbane.

Hundreds of people have joined in worship, song, fun and laughter to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Albert Street Uniting Church. As one of the most iconic and photographed landmark’s in Brisbane, the historic church has witnessed more than 25 000 worship services, 5000 christenings and 15 000 weddings, since it opened in November 1889. To mark this significant milestone more ...

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Lessons drawn from the funny side

Self-portrait by Phillip Day.

Dianne Jensen talks to award-winning comic artist Phil Day about viewing life and faith through the lens of humour. Remember that smart-aleck kid whose clever caricatures were passed around the classroom as soon as the teacher’s back was turned? There’s a good chance that he or she grew up to be a cartoonist like Phillip Day, the award-winning comic artist who ...

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Six ways to be an inclusive church

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

If you’ve never felt unwelcome in a worshipping community it might be hard to understand how many people experience church. Journey explores how to make sure your church is truly inclusive. Indigenous Australians The Uniting Church sees reconciliation with Indigenous people as essential to the life and health of the church and Australian society. Including an acknowledgement of country before ...

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