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Search Results for: worship

Love your neighbour

(Left to right) Philippa Core, Dr Nora Amath, Rev Heather Griffin, Rev Suzy Sitton. Photos by Rohan Salmond.

Since the activities of the so-called Islamic State have made the news, anti-Muslim sentiment in Australia has been at an all-time high. Rohan Salmond speaks to some interfaith activists working to build understanding across religious lines. A black silhouette wielding a knife stands over a man kneeling in an orange jumpsuit. It’s an image so powerful it has reached around ...

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31st Synod revives the church

The 31st Queensland Synod meeting (10–15 October) could be characterised by an energy signifying that the church is on the cusp of something different. Members from across the Queensland Synod gathered together for the 31st Synod in Session as they discussed issues important to the Uniting Church in Queensland, ranging from statistics of church decline and hardship to inspiring stories ...

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Synod resolutions show concern for others

Orange cards indicate warmth or approval to an idea.

A number of general proposals were passed by consensus during the 31st Synod in Session, many focussing on the church’s call to love our neighbour as ourselves. Constitutional recognition A proposal brought to the Synod by UnitingCare Queensland CEO Anne Cross and Calvary Presbytery Minister Rev Dennis Corowa called the church to join UnitingCare Queensland in being official partners of ...

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Hearing voices: Why the G20 matters

Rev Susan Pickering (West End Uniting Church), Lauren Ash (Micah Challenge Brisbane Coordinator), John Beckett (Micah Challenge National Coordinator) and Dave Andrews (Waiters Union) at West End Uniting Church. Photo by Holly Jewell.

The desperate woman who pushed through the crowd to tug at Jesus’ robe took a chance that his minders were too distracted to notice. There are better ways to make your voice heard at the G20, as Dianne Jensen reports. Raising your concerns directly with world leaders such as US President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel or Chinese President ...

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Moving forward; keeping the charge

Members share communion during the 31st Synod closing service

The 31st Synod in Session closed five days of work and fellowship on 15 October with a worship service reminding members to “keep the charge”. Moderator David Baker reflected on the church as a flotilla; a group of ships traveling together, supporting each other. He reflected on past moderator, Kaye Ronalds’ question: “Are we there yet?” “I hope you have ...

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Uniting Church future open for discussion

Members of the 31st Synod gather to discuss the future of the Uniting Church Queensland Synod

After three days of structured business, the 31st Synod is moving to a time of open space to discuss the question, “Our church is on life support; what’s our call now?” The open space discussions come after a sobering report from Mission Engagement Project officer Scott Guyatt which indicated that if current trends continue, the Uniting Church in Queensland will ...

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Hearts on fire at Assembly

Assembly General Secretary Rev Terence Corkin at the 31st Synod

Uniting Church Assembly General Secretary Rev Terence Corkin presented members of the 31st Synod with the Assembly report on Monday 13 October. Terence reminded the Synod of the date of the next Assembly meeting, 12–18 July 2015, and the theme Hearts on fire. The deadline for submissions for the next Assembly on the discussion on marriage has now passed and ...

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31st Synod gallery

31st Synod gallery Images from Wednes 15 October   Images from Tuesday 14 October   Images from Monday 13 October   Images from Sunday 12 October   Images from Saturday 11 October   Images from opening worship and Induction of Moderator  

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October Journey now available

The October edition of Journey magazine is now available in PDF. You can download this edition and all previous editions back to 2005 on the download page. Unapologetically us My housemate has a moustache. It suits him, but it’s unusual to see someone in their 20s wearing such a style. If you ask him about it he’ll shrug and say “I’ve just got to do me”. ...

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Beyond Sunday morning

Book cover of Undivided: Closing the faith-life gap by Graham Hooper. Intervarsity Press, 2014. Recommended retail price: $14.99.

The easiest way to tell what anyone believes, what they value, is to look at how they behave and how they spend their time and money. It becomes uncomfortable when, through either our own realisation or by someone else pointing it out, our external behaviours don’t match up with what we say we value. The problem is worse for those ...

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