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Search Results for: worship

Making disciples of 15 nations

ON ONE SUNDAY in April, 65 people from 15 different nationalities made a public affirmation of faith at Logan Central Multicultural Uniting Church. The confirmation service, attended by around 400 people, was led by young people in the congregation, and included hymns sung in six different languages simultaneously. Minister Rev Dr Apichart Branjerdporn said the church overflowed with people and ...

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Quaker scholar to lecture Assembly

THE 12TH Assembly Cato Lecturer has been announced as Los Angeles-based Biblical theologian, author, and Quaker Dr Daniel Smith-Christopher. The purpose of the Cato lecture is to present an international theologian who will inspire the Uniting Church Assembly body with a new perspective. President-elect Rev Alistair Macrae is excited about hearing Dr Smith-Christopher again. The first time Mr Macrae heard ...

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UCA President reflects on term

A few reflections after three years Serving as President of the Uniting Church has been an immense privilege and blessing. Visiting the church in (almost) every corner of the country, working with church leaders and other churches on issues facing church and nation, representing the church’s views to community and political leaders, learning of the life and witness of our ...

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New global Reformed body will bring together 75 million Christians

The Uniting General Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches has put up a new website that focuses on the activities that will occur before, during and after the creation of new Reformed Church body that will represent some 75 million Christians around the world. The website – www.reformedchurches.org – will permit churches and interested individuals to access information ...

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Introducing the Uniting Church in Australia

The Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia, 2008 RRP $9 In just 39 pages, Andrew Dutney offers an easy-to-read, insightful look at the Uniting Church, in the style that many of us have appreciated since his Manifesto for renewal in 1986 and Where did the joy come from? Mr Dutney gives us a look at the history behind this ...

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Eldership: a three-part series

Moreton Rivers Presbytery, 2009 RRP free Elders are not always oldies! God calls people of all age groups to this special ministry in the congregation, giving them gifts for serving the people of God. A resource study book, Eldership: A Three-Part Series offers useful and encouraging opportunities for people to enrich their understanding of the role to which Elders are ...

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Australian religious leaders pledge interfaith response to fires

Melbourne, Australia, 23 FebruaryEcumenical News International Australian religious leaders have made a commitment to a unified response to the devastating bushfires that have seared across southeast Australia, particularly the state of Victoria. "From within our various faith traditions standing together here today, we too offer… a commitment to work together for the common good despite our differences," the religious leaders ...

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Multicultural church meets in Queensland

IT IS TIME for the Uniting Church in Australia to recommit to the vision of actually being a multicultural church and what might be life-giving and reassuring about that for Australian society, said Uniting Church National Director of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Ministry Rev Dr Tony Floyd. “In 1985 the Uniting Church proclaimed itself a multicultural church and in doing so ...

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Dandala nominated to head breakaway South African party

The former general secretary of the All Africa Conference of Churches, the Rev Mvume Dandala, has been nominated as the presidential candidate of a breakaway faction of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress in the country’s 22 April elections. Professor Russel Botman, the rector of Stellenbosch University and the former president of the South African Council of Churches, pipped the ...

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Order some good men

Make a weekly prayer diary, skip 40 times forward and 15 times backwards, and be sure to keep your body clean and healthy. These were some of the requirements of the Fourth Class Test in the Page’s Handbook of the Order of Knights. The thousands of young boys who participated in this Methodist youth organisation in the first half of ...

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