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Tag Archives: DECEMBER2017

December 2017 Journey now available

Our Christmas campaign theme for this year, #thischangeseverything, is obviously a reference to the birth of Christ and its monumental impact on the course of history ever since. Every aspect of our lives—art, the sciences, politics, technology, you name it—has been marked by the influence of Christianity. But the theme is also designed to speak to those moments that forever ...

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Letters to the editor December 2017

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

Remembering the Reformation I wholeheartedly agree with the letters to the editor in November’s Journey. I found it disappointing—and also the whole issue of Journey—in commemorating one of the most significant events in the history of the Christian church, a fundamental question was ignored: what would Martin Luther say about the church, and in particular the Uniting Church today? Would ...

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What place do young people have in the Uniting Church?

There’s no escaping the reality that the church needs an injection of youth in its demographic makeup but what can be done to kickstart the generational transition? Trinity College Queensland’s Gap Year and Leadership Programs project officer Simon Gomersall offers his thoughts on the matter. The stats are in and they’re not good. The 2016 National Church Life Survey confirmed ...

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Powered by love: how one small church is harnessing diversity to create change

When it comes to revitalising the church, the small congregation of Edmonton Uniting Church in Cairns is proof that size and diversity are no barriers to participating in the mission of God. Dianne Jensen reports. Like many Uniting Churches across Queensland, the Edmonton Uniting Church congregation of 60 or so regular attendees encompasses a range of ages and ethnicities; long-time ...

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Apocalpyse now? The dangerous truth behind the birth of Christ

While Christmas is associated with family, festivities and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Trinity College Queensland’s New Testament lecturer Dr John Frederick explores how we can also use the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth to reflect on the “apocalyptic” in the traditional sense of the word—the revelation of that which was previously hidden—and how that may shape ...

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Life, death and the birth that changes everything

For millions around the world the Christmas season brings no respite from a range of preventable risks such as dirty water or malaria. UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor reflects on the Christmas story, personal tragedy and how we can bring hope to those abroad who are disadvantaged. I remember the birth of my first child: three-and-a-half hours in the final stage, head ...

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Christmas is a community affair on the Capricorn Coast

Stretching over 70 kilometres along the Central Queensland coastline, Capricorn Coast is a unique region of historical towns, farms, beaches, rainforests and wetlands. Rev Suzy Sitton—Capricorn Coast Uniting Church minister—reflects on what the Christmas season means for the area and her hopes for 2018. Like so many places at Christmas time, the Capricorn Coast is full of families enjoying the ...

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Wrapping up the UnitingCare and Target Christmas appeal

With a partnership spanning over two decades, UnitingCare and Target’s Christmas Appeal has raised millions of dollars and delivered over two million gifts for Australians struggling during the Christmas period. Journey reports. For the iconic Australian retailer Target, UnitingCare Australia was a spot-on choice when it came to choosing a partner organisation for their Christmas appeal campaign. As one of ...

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Between a rock and a hard place: faith in the city

A parishioner’s generous legacy is helping transform the vision for a new covenantal community into reality at Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church in downtown Brisbane. Dianne Jensen reports.  Next year heritage-listed Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church will launch Holdfast Saint Andrew’s, a contemporary Christian community rooted in the age-old traditions of covenant, mission and spiritual practice. The new venture has been made ...

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