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Tag Archives: Dr Val Webb

Outside the comfort zone with Val Webb

Dr Val Webb. Photo by Holly Jewell.

Dianne Jensen talks to Val Webb about keeping the faith in a challenging world. If Uniting Church theologian Dr Val Webb has one message for Christians, it’s that asking questions is good for your faith. “There are so many people who think there’s only one way to think theologically, and if they can’t stomach that particular doctrinal package they have ...

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Reflecting on women and the Uniting Church

Rev Dr Geraldine Wheeler: a Uniting Church minister in Queensland. Photo was supplied.

Journey’s recent focus on smashing the glass ceiling in the church has forced many to confront how issues of gender, equality and theology coexist in the church. Rev Dr Geraldine Wheeler reflects on her past brushes with prejudice before Queensland inducted its first female moderator in 2011. In the Journey article “Seven ways to smash the glass ceiling” (July 2016 ...

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Finding your own theological voice

Testing Tradition and Liberating Theology cover by Dr Val Webb. Morning Star Publishing, 2015 ($39.95).

Testing Tradition and Liberating Theology is a little Aussie gem from our own pre-eminent lay theologian Dr Val Webb.  Webb’s goal in this book is to unlock theological process from the rarefied academic world of the seminary and encourage everyone to do their own theological thinking, “rather than continually accepting the often dumbed-down scraps from the altar of others”. Testing ...

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Letters April 2015

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

God is like an onion I really enjoyed the last edition of Journey, especially the profile of Dr Joel Corney (“A quantum leap of faith” March 2015). I found it reassuring that a quantum physicist discussed the uncertainty that is the reality of life on planet Earth. Even though God is a certainty, there are plenty of things that are ...

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