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Tag Archives: profile

Melanie Minichiello: My grateful story

Build the Future managing director Melanie Minichiello in The Change Room community hub in Keperra. Photo by Holly Jewell.

Build the Future managing director Melanie Minichiello talks to Dianne Jensen about her passion for helping young people re-connect with society. Gratitude. It’s as old-fashioned as a hand-written thank-you note, but youth advocate Melanie Minichiello says being grateful is a key ingredient in happiness and wellbeing. “Gratitude allows us to look beyond ourselves and to gain perspective and balance,” says ...

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Mission: conquer culture shock

Noah Kim, international student ministry pastor at Sunnybank Uniting Church in Brisbane. Photo by David Busch.

International student pastor Noah Kim talks to Dianne Jensen about his call to ministry in the Uniting Church. Noah Kim knows first-hand that the call to God’s service can take you far from home and well outside your comfort zone. The South Korean-born Christian received the nudge from his pastor to attend Bible college in Australia eight years ago—and has ...

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Stepping up to leadership

Heather Watson, former chair of UnitingCare Queensland. Photo by Holly Jewell.

Every young person reaches the point where they decide to sign up to their faith community or to drift away. Dianne Jensen talks to Heather Watson, former chair of UnitingCare Queensland, whose service to the church was shaped by the opportunities she received as a young Christian. Heather Watson has a clear recollection of when she made a personal faith ...

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A quantum leap of faith

University of Queensland senior lecturer in physics Dr Joel Corney. Photo by Holly Jewell.

If there’s one principle that religion and quantum physics agree on, it’s that the search for truth requires an open mind. Physicist Dr Joel Corney talks to Dianne Jensen. Consider this: The only thing we can be sure about is that uncertainty is fundamental to the universe. University of Queensland (UQ) Senior Lecturer in Physics Dr Joel Corney is a ...

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Changing the world one step at a time

Anne Cross, UnitingCare Queensland CEO. Photo was supplied.

Telstra Business Woman of the Year 2014 Anne Cross is CEO of UnitingCare Queensland, the largest not-for-profit health and community services provider in Queensland. Anne talks to Dianne Jensen about her lifelong commitment to building a more compassionate society. What were the issues that really fired you up as a student? I was at university in the 1970s, a time ...

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Imagine me complexly: John Green

New York Times bestselling author John Green teaches literature via YouTube. Photo taken by CrashCourse.

Following John Green’s inclusion in this year’s Time 100 and the adaptation of his latest novel into a blockbuster movie, Rohan Salmond talks to him about church, community, teenagers and the universe that wants to be noticed. There are thousands of John Greens in the world, including lawyers, teachers, politicians and even a Bigfoot expert. But John Green the novelist ...

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Trevor Jordan: adoption and ethics

President of Jigsaw Queensalnd, Dr Trevor Jordan.

Jigsaw Queensland President Dr Trevor Jordan knows from experience that secrecy casts a long shadow. Dianne Jensen reports. Now semi-retired from his role as an academic and consultant in professional and public ethics, Dr Trevor Jordan devotes much of his time to the Queensland branch of Jigsaw, the volunteer organisation providing a range of services to those affected by adoption. ...

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