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Tag Archives: Queensland Synod Moderator

There is no “them”

Queensland Synod Moderator, Rev David Baker on a tour of the western part of Central Queensland Presbytery. Photo by Dianne Jensen.

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on Earth? “We are as guarded and concerned about our place here as we ever have been. Some in our community are not sure if we’re welcome,” says a Queensland Muslim leader. “We are reaching out to our young men who are vulnerable —without work, from broken homes, seeking to ...

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Prepare from day one

Ministry preparation and training cartoon by Phil Day.

“Preparation for married life begins the day you are born.” It was one of those new thoughts that made such common sense that as a 34-year-old, I wondered why I hadn’t thought of it before. I still remember the time and place it was said 23 years later! We learn what married life is about by observing and modelling. The ...

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Listen and learn

"I can't put my finger on it, Doug, but for some reason I find it easier to share my faith with you than with Ted and Tony...."

For about a year, when I was a young bloke, a mate and I used to go to King George Square once a week on a Tuesday, walk up to people having their lunch break, and ask them, “If you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity?”  This was seen in my circles at the time to be ...

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Bush congregations battle to support drought communities

The moderator's visit to Central Queensland. Photos by Dianne Jensen.

Everyone tells us that the country is a real picture in a good season. But as the moderator Rev David Baker, Central Queensland Presbytery minister Rev Brian Gilbert and their Uniting Communications sidekick meet with church members in Longreach, Barcaldine and Blackall, the talk is all about the iron grip of the drought. Dianne Jensen reports. Over three days barrelling ...

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“A lot of love” between Aussie and Kiwi churches

Trans-Tasman church leaders gathering.

Church leaders from across Australia and New Zealand gathered in Brisbane last month. Rohan Salmond reports. The annual trans-Tasman gathering of church leaders took place in Brisbane in April, bringing together the six moderators from Uniting Church synods, the president of the Uniting Church Assembly, the president of the Methodist Church of New Zealand and the moderator of the Presbyterian ...

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Wrestling with angels

Rev David Baker. Photo by Dianne Jensen.

The last two editions of Journey have elicited comment regarding the May edition cover, and articles and letters about same-gender marriage, homosexual orientation and the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The Uniting Church, through its Basis of Union, commits itself to be a church open to the world, in the light of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ, as attested ...

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Faith and fairness in Tolpuddle

Queensland Synod Moderator, Rev David Baker on a tour of the western part of Central Queensland Presbytery. Photo by Dianne Jensen.

After see-sawing for a couple of years, from 2016 we’re back to celebrating Labour Day in May. It got me thinking about the church’s connection to the union movement. One of our founding tradition’s connections goes back to Tolpuddle, in Dorset, England. In the early 1800s, there was a trend of consolidation of land holdings by wealthy landholders that was ...

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Cyclone damage bill mounts

Damage at Galiwin’ku on Elcho Island. Photo by Rev Dr Stephen Robinson.

Uniting Church emergency aid and relief has begun to arrive in Central Queensland after Tropical Cyclone Marcia tore through the Capricorn Coast in February this year. Ashley Thompson reports. The Queensland Synod’s Risk and Insurance team has been contacted by 14 sites which sustained varying levels of insurable damage from Cyclone Marcia, totalling an estimated insurance cost of $517 000. Those ...

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Living the gospel in 2015

Queensland Synod Moderator Rev David Baker. Photo: Holly Jewell

This is the first Journey of the New Year, so I want to outline for you again the discernment of the 31st Synod regarding the broad priorities for the church’s life going forward. Synod discerned the following: making our worship accessible and attractive growing our members in their passion and ability to share their faith planting new communities of faith ...

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Surprise! It’s Christmas

December cartoon of a house decorated with Christmas lights with a nativity scene centred. Cartoon by Phil Day.

Here we go again, Christmas is coming. Families looking at their budgets, kids looking at catalogues, grandparents looking at new opportunities for indulgence. Some people are looking at options to help them just survive it. Retail stores are looking for the boost that they’ve already accounted for to get to the year’s projected sales. One of the issues for ministers ...

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