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Tag Archives: UAICC

First and Second Peoples come face to face

Haileigh Childs (left) from Queensland, and Donna Champion from South Australia, at the UAICC national conference. Photo was supplied.

About FACE has been forging relationships between First and Second Peoples for over 30 years. The latest program has continued to build that trust and understanding. Nigel Trapp reports. Brisbane university student Haileigh Childs admits she had little understanding of Aboriginal culture prior to immersing herself in the About FACE program. “My relationship and understanding was virtually non-existent before. I ...

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New Congress chair calls for greater independence

Rev Dennis Corowa, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress chairperson. Photo by Rohan Salmond.

Queenslander and presbytery minister of Calvary Presbytery Rev Dennis Corowa has been appointed chairperson of the national Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. Nigel Trapp reports. New Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress chairperson Rev Dennis Corowa is keen to see Congress operate with more independence, but not at the expense of the interdependent relationship between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous ...

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Weipa welcomes cultural return

(L-R) Teddy Barkley (Cultural Advisor), Philemon Mene (Napranum Mayor), Irene and Stuart Scott and more. Photo taken by Brooke Prentis.

The return of irreplaceable artefacts to the Weipa community has been welcomed by the descendants of Old Weipa Mission. Brooke Prentis reports. Four woomeras, a dilly bag and some pieces of lacework taken from Old Weipa Mission have been returned to the Weipa community by grandchildren of the missionaries who worked there almost 100 years ago. On 8 July 2014 ...

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Heading towards a promised end

Rev Rronang Garrawurra and Rev Dr Andrew Dutney share communion at the Destiny Together vigil in Canberra.

The Destiny Together week of prayer and fasting is over. Bruce Mullan looks at what’s next in the Uniting Church’s journey of reconciliation with First Peoples. The paint was washed off the foreheads and the chairs packed away but for those who participated in the Canberra prayer vigil and at other Destiny Together—Justice for First Peoples events around the nation, ...

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Hope lives here

Uniting Church Queensland Synod Moderator Rev Kaye Ronalds

Sometimes life is not all it is cracked up to be. Dreams are lost. Disappointments occur. Doubts creep in. That is what it was like for the friends of Jesus. Travelling with Jesus was an exhilarating ride. People were healed and the stories he told gave people hope for a better community. They expected him to overthrow the oppressive Roman ...

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A sign for Australia

Rev Rronang Garrawurra is Chairperson of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC)

In a historic moment in the Uniting Church journey, First and Second Peoples gathered together in front of Parliament House in Canberra, calling for justice and reconciliation. Matt Pulford reports. On 18 March, on the lawns in front of Parliament House in Canberra, around 300 members of the Uniting Church in Australia gathered for an act of public worship. The ...

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A Destiny Together prayer vigil

Rev Elenie Poulos, Rev Rronang Garrawurra, Rev Dr Andrew Dutney and Rev Terence Corkin in front of Parliament House, Canberra.

The Destiny Together prayer vigil took place in front of Parliament House in Canberra yesterday and there are some really wonderful photos already coming from the attendees. We’ll be posting these photos and links to some of the statements made at the event as they become available. We’ll also cover the event in the upcoming edition of Journey, which will be available on ...

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Confronting Indigenous injustice in the Northern Territory

Rronang Garrawurra and Andrew Dutney

The Intervention has caused controversy since its introduction, and Indigenous Australians are calling for genuine respect and partnership. Rohan Salmond explores. At the Uniting Church in Australia’s 13th Assembly, members of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) told their stories about what it is like living under the Stronger Futures legislation in the Northern Territory. The Assembly was ...

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A Destiny Together: Justice for First Peoples

Rev Dr Andrew Dutney and Rev Rronang Garrawurra lament with members of the 13th Assembly in front of Parliament House in Adelaide, 2012.

Uniting Church members are invited to engage in the Week of Prayer and Fasting for Justice for First Peoples, writes Jennifer Whyte. One of the most poignant events of the 13th Assembly of the Uniting Church in 2012 was the silent walk of members through the streets of Adelaide to the South Australian Parliament. Prompted by the stories of anguish ...

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Indigenous leaders mobilise for mission

Joya Waia (Weipa) and Ellen Hobson (Bamaga) at the 2013 Grasstree Gathering in Brisbane

Emerging Indigenous leaders and elders from across Australia are forging new partnerships through the Grasstree Gathering. Dianne Jensen reports. “Preaching in your own skin” is a catchphrase that sums up the cultural and spiritual empowerment of a people, and it resounded at the National Grasstree Gathering Emerging Indigenous Christian Leaders Conference in Brisbane. The Grasstree event in early October followed the inaugural ...

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