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Tag Archives: Uniting Church

Uniting Church joins the call for protection of racial vilification laws

George Brandis Marcia Langton Tony Jones

The Queensland Synod is one of 165 signatories on a letter urging the Attorney General George Brandis not to repeal the racial vilification provisions in the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. The particular concern is around the proposed abolition of Section 18c which makes it unlawful for a person to do or say something (other than in private) that is reasonably ...

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UnitingCare is closing the gap

Map of Australia featuring Aborignal flag

While Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are living 10-17 years less than other Australians UnitingCare Queensland CEO Anne Cross talked about the commitment of the organisation to engage constructively in actions that help “Close the Gap”. On National Close the Gap Day which focuses on the gap in life expectancy education, incarceration rates, family well-being and health between Aboriginal ...

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A Destiny Together: Justice for First Peoples

Rev Dr Andrew Dutney and Rev Rronang Garrawurra lament with members of the 13th Assembly in front of Parliament House in Adelaide, 2012.

Uniting Church members are invited to engage in the Week of Prayer and Fasting for Justice for First Peoples, writes Jennifer Whyte. One of the most poignant events of the 13th Assembly of the Uniting Church in 2012 was the silent walk of members through the streets of Adelaide to the South Australian Parliament. Prompted by the stories of anguish ...

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Andrew Dutney: Growing faith in 2014

It’s hard not to be excited about 2014 having begun it in the company of that great crowd of passionate young Christians who gathered at Yuróra, the 2014 National Christian Youth Convention (NCYC) in Parramatta. Their love of Jesus and each other, their commitment to discipleship and excitement about ministry is infectious and inspiring. So what does the year ahead ...

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NCYC 2014: What is your yuróra?

Youth delegates at Yurora NCYC 2014 in Sydney, Parramatta.

NCYC 2014 was a vibrant celebration of the life and diversity found among Uniting Church young people. Tilly South reports. “Faith is a practical thing,” preached Rev Julian Hamilton, chaplain at Trinity College, Dublin and guest speaker at the 2014 National Christian Youth Convention (NCYC), a biennial event held by a presbytery or synod of the Uniting Church. “We must ...

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Growing faith

Black mustard Grow Faith banner.

In the wake of 2013’s year of discipleship, the Queensland Synod continues to invest in the spiritual life of the church by designating 2014 the year of growing faith. Rohan Salmond explores what it means to have faith and how faith can grow in the face of adversity. “My faith really is a Paul on the road to Damascus-type experience,” ...

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Building on a strong foundation

Bundaberg Uniting Church was inundated by flood water in early 2013 but is now refurbished and an active worshiping community once more.

The image of the 77-year-old Bundaberg Uniting Church awash with 60 cm of putrid water was a symbol for many of the devastation wrought by the January floods. It was the end of September before the congregation gathered in the refurbished church for worship, writes Dianne Jensen. The damage to the Bundaberg church property was extensive. As well as flooding the church, ...

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Bundaberg: the advent of hope

Frank Millett, Heather Donald and Rev Ray Nutley use Uniting Communications' Christmas postcards to spread the news about the Bundaberg Uniting Church Christmas services.

As Bundaberg Uniting Church members begin the familiar Advent journey, many will reflect on a year of working and waiting for a new beginning. Dianne Jensen reports. The people of Bundaberg and the nearby towns in the Wide Bay Burnett region had their lives turned upside down by the floods caused by cyclone Oswald last January. An estimated 9000 houses ...

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Redcliffe artfully engages community

Fifty-two works of art were produced during 2013.

Rev Paul Clark is blazing the path for innovative worship in the south-east corner. Ashley Goetze talks to the “art church” minister. From Genesis to Jesus, over the course of 52 weeks, Redcliffe Uniting Church commissioned artists from within their church and wider community to journey together through the Old Testament. The year-long art project, inspired by a desire to address and help ...

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Emerald shares the love

Charlotte and Arnold Reuben are Mayr and Joseph in Emerald Uniting Church's Walk through Bethlehem event.

Emerald Uniting Church is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus by serving the community in all its diversity. Rohan Salmond spoke with Rev Suzy Sitton. What is happening in your congregation? There’s regular vibrant worship, youth activities, Bible study and lots of care and support for each other and for those in the community. Our local mission focus ...

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