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Letters to the Editor – Autumn 2018

Does the Old Testament still apply today?

I appreciated Dr Paul Jones’ article in November’s Journey and would like to add my bit. The Old Testament is needed today more than ever. The redemptive types and shadows which God gave Israel are the map or pattern which spells out the journey of the church as the cloud of the spirit leads and guides us into all truth.

When God gave Moses the plans for the tabernacle he instructed, “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the Mountain.” It was “the copy and shadow” of spiritual truth.

The life and ministry of Jesus was in accordance with the pattern contained in the types and, in bringing the church into its destiny in the earth, God is working according to that same pattern.

It spells out the doctrinal truths of the church and shows the way ahead. It shows that Jesus is going to have a church which will bring down the “gates of hell”. All of this is in the Old Testament which many think is not relevant today. The Old and New Testaments are all one story. Without the Old Testament we will not come into the fullness of truth that we need in these days.

The Old Testament is the road map for the Church. It shows the way ahead to those who will receive it as such. Without the road map we are lost, wandering around in the wilderness of human reasoning. There is a great future ahead for the church that will invite the Holy Spirit to unlock God’s purposes as portrayed in the types of the Old Testament, and walk in those truths.

Val Pym

Marriage and the church

I wish to comment on the statement, “We cannot use our roles in the church to tell people what to think, to criticise, or to abuse others,” in the “Update on the Australian Marriage Law Proposal Survey” article (December 2017 edition).

I would certainly agree that the church is not to be abusive. However, in my understanding, the
church is not about what people think, but about what God says.

It’s the difference between building on the rock or the sand (Matthew 7:24–27). Those who are in ministry have a duty to teach and instruct what God says. At times that may be very different to what people think, but the church must be clear, precise and strong in its teaching and in its stance on doctrinal matters and on moral issues, whilst being compassionate towards people. As has been said so many times, “God hates
the sin but loves the sinner.”

We are to have a pastoral ministry certainly, but not abandon the prophetic ministry if we are going to be salt and light.

We have looked for leadership but have been left floundering. Since this whole issue surfaced in the early 1980s there has been one talkfest after another with yet another coming up so I hear, while we discuss yet again what people think.

The question is asked, “How will we act as the church now?”

Repentance and returning to the word of God would be a good place to start and, most importantly, fervent prayer for renewal for the church and for our nation. There are a number of prayer initiatives beginning soon as Christians are hearing the call to prayer.

Val Pym

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