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Search Results for: Basis of Union

Some want alternative Assembly

In general, reaction to the 11th Assembly decisions on sexuality and leadership (READ HERE) has not been as swift or as spirited as after the 10th Assembly in 2003, but there is still some continuing dissention from the latest resolution sexuality and leadership. The Reforming Alliance (RA) and Evangelical Members of the Uniting Church (EMU) groups who have consistently asked ...

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Assembly responds to Confessing Congregations Proposal

The President of the Uniting Church, Rev. Gregor Henderson, today issued an invitation to the leadership of EMU and the Reforming Alliance, to meet with him and other church leaders next week to clarify the proposed Assembly of Confessing Congregations. “On face value this proposal seems to suggest establishing a series of parallel structures within the Uniting Church. The Church’s ...

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Sexuality: a way forward, but no consensus

The Uniting Church has decided against trying to reach consensus at present on a policy about homosexual people in positions of ministry and leadership. Members of its 11th Assembly meeting in Brisbane agreed they were “not of one mind” on the issue of accepting into ministry people who were living in a committed same-gender sexual relationships. They said that “notwithstanding ...

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Assembly establishes new Ministry of Pastor

In a move which could dramatically change the face of leadership in the Uniting Church in Australia the 11th Assembly voted on Monday to establish a Ministry of Pastor. Starting in January 2008 this ministry will take in all those who currently would serve as Lay Pastors and Community Ministers and most youth workers. Pastors will be lay church workers ...

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Church ponders urgent changes to lay ministry

A report proposing major changes in non-ordained specified ministries, a major agenda item for the Uniting Church’s 11th Assembly, were discussed in working groups on Saturday afternoon, July 8. From time to time and place to place, the report from the Specified Ministries Task Group appointed after the 2003 Assembly, points to the Basis of Union’s call for the Uniting ...

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From the editor: July 2006

In Christ there is no east or west, In Him no south or north; But one great fellowship of love Throughout the whole wide earth. I haven’t sung this hymn for years but I remember the words from my childhood and it has haunted me as we put this edition of Journey together. For over fifty years those who had ...

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What is the Assembly?

THE ASSEMBLY is the national council of the Uniting Church in Australia and, like other councils such as presbyteries, synods, and church councils, it has its own special role to play. The Assembly has specific responsibilities in matters of doctrine, worship, government and discipline and also sets national policy and promotes the Church’s mission in the world. It also establishes ...

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A Response to UCA Resolution #84

Greg Brown writes to explore why evangelicals should not just walk away from the UCA. Some (and we need to remember, not all) parts of the UCA have been in great pain since the 2003 Assembly. The furore over what has been incorrectly termed the ‘ordination of homosexuals’ decision caught many evangelicals in the church by surprise, and it is ...

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Call for urgent changes to specified lay ministry

A REPORT proposing major changes in non-ordained specified ministries will be one of the big items on the agenda for the 11th Assembly when it meets in Brisbane in July. The report from the Specified Ministries Task Group appointed after the 2003 Assembly is titled From time to time, and place to place, a phrase from Paragraph 14 of the ...

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Agents of Grace – Lenten Studies 2006

An all new series of Lenten resources is being offered from the Queensland Synod for use by congregations for group study and/or personal reflection during Lent or at some other time during the year. The Agents of Grace resource is offered to Uniting Church congregations in Queensland as a four-page full colour "lift-out" in the March issue of Journey. They are ...

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