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Search Results for: Basis of Union

Forgive us our sins

Sin, Jesus, Easter and Atonement

In the 21st century what should Christians make of the concept of “sin”? A long-gone relic or a necessary corrective in a society seduced by moral relativism and the cult of victimhood? Simon Gomersall explores sin, Easter and atonement. It is now conventional to assert that the language and concept of sin is irrelevant in both 21st century Australian society ...

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Getting ready to get ready for Easter

Reverend Father Anastasios Bozikis. Photo: by Rohan Salmond.

Lent is a season binding Christians together no matter their church tradition, but it is observed very differently depending on where you go. What does it look like for the Uniting Church to observe Lent? Rohan Salmond explores. For more than 1000 years Christians everywhere have observed Lent, an annual 40-day time of fasting and reflection in preparation for Easter. ...

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Wellbeing joins the bottom line

AUSTRALIA'S progress can't just be measured in dollars says UnitingJustice Australia Director Rev Elenie Poulos. Participation, progress and better public policy are important long-term goals of the Australian National Development Index (ANDI), a collaboration of 40 leading community organisations, church groups (including the Uniting Church), businesses and universities to develop a national wellbeing index. Journey asked Ms Poulos how ANDI ...

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Assembly wrap up

THE Uniting Church's current Ministerial Education Committee is to be replaced by an Education for Ministry Working Group, with the new body to provide advice on the standards of formation, education and training for the Ministry of the Word, Ministry of Deacon, Ministry of Pastor and Ministry of Lay Preacher. The statement presented to the 13th Assembly, One Body, Many ...

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School Chaplaincy Program update

THE High Court of Australia has ruled that the Australian Government direct-funding model for school chaplains is not constitutionally valid. However, the 20 June decision left open the option for the government to continue funding, either under new legislation or by a grant of funds to the states and territories. The case was brought by father of four Ron Williams, ...

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“Marriage equality”: opinon piece by Rev Dr Noel Preston AM

FORTY years ago, the crude and cruel social boundaries of homophobia and racism abhorrently shaped dominant ethical boundaries in Australian society. They are both offspring of prejudice generated by the human fear of difference. Related to such basic aspects of humanity – our sexual and racial identity – they are capable of stimulating deep anxieties. Homophobia in particular is often ...

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Meditating on God

THE PRACTICES of meditation and yoga are often thought of as part of Eastern religions. Rev Dr Amos Manoharan, minister at Holland Park Central Uniting Church, south of Brisbane, disagrees. “There are some wrong notions about yoga,” he said. “Sometimes, the word yoga creates some prejudices. “Some call it a new age concept or Hinduism or devilish. There is no ...

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Methodists and Church of England renewing efforts at unity

LEADERS the Church of England and the Methodist Church have been urged to work more closely in the future in order to strengthen Christian unity. A statement issued by the Church of England’s communications office on 16 June said the Joint Implementation Commission (JIC) set up under the Anglican-Methodist Covenant of 2003 to enhance unity is recommending the two churches ...

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Having faith in teachers

By Mardi Lumsden PEOPLE GO into teaching professions for many reasons. Perhaps they were inspired by a great teacher or determined that they could do better than a teacher they didn’t like. But coming in contact with so many young people every day creates a special duty for teachers. It is more than a duty of care. For many, it ...

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Uniting Church coaches world Churches on unity

The Uniting Church presented a paper on ‘Unity and Mission’ at the World Council of Churches Uniting and United Churches Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, October 29-Nov 4. Twenty churches from 25 countries met at the 8th consultation of United and Uniting Churches held every seven years. Conversation centred on the South African struggle to merge former Apartheid separated churches. ...

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