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Search Results for: Basis of Union

Nazir-Ali to boycott Lambeth Conference as ‘matter of conscience’

Church of England Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali says he will not attend a worldwide gathering of his Anglican counterparts in July as a "matter of conscience", rather than as a challenge to the 77-million-strong Anglican Communion. "I would find it difficult to be in Eucharistic fellowship with, and teaching the common faith alongside, those who have ordained a person to be ...

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Archbishop of Canterbury responds to his critics on Sharia law

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has defended comments he made about the role of Sharia, which is part of Islamic law, in the British legal system, saying he was not advocating "parallel jurisdictions". Addressing the general synod of the Church of England on 11 February, the Anglican leader stressed he was not proposing that Sharia had equal standing in ...

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Christians seethe as pagans rejoice over their festival in Scotland

Many Christians in Scotland are irate that Edinburgh University has approved a request by the international Pagan Society for its annual congress to be held on campus grounds not far from the city’s Grassmarket. There, witches and heretics were burned to death in the 16th and 17th centuries. They are angry because only recently the same university vetoed a request ...

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Pope warns Christians on hiding their beliefs

Pope Benedict XVI has joined German Christians of other denominations for a prayer service at Regensburg cathedral in Bavaria where he urged Christians not to hide their witness to God in a multi-religious age. "We know who God is through Jesus Christ," said Pope Benedict at the service on 12 September during a six-day visit to his native Bavaria in ...

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Go into ALL the world

There seems to be no limit to the places where Chaplains serve. Journey asked some of the 100 Queensland Uniting Church Chaplains to share their stories. Aged care chaplaincy Rev Pam Batson, a Chaplain with Blue Care aged care facilities, invited us to go with her into the room of a dying resident. “There is much that can happen at ...

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Sri Lanka bishop fights Britain’s visa fingerprint obligation

The Anglican Communion has its headquarters in London but Anglican Bishop Duleep de Chickera of Sri Lanka says he will not visit Britain unless it lifts the mandatory fingerprinting of visa applicants from his nation, or applies it to citizens of all countries. "This is discriminatory and an insult to the Sri Lankan citizens," said Chickera, as he described his ...

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Take My Life

Take My Life By Garage Hymnal Emu Music Australia RRP $29.95 Garage Hymnal’s debut CD is an “impressive” contribution to the worship song repertoire available to the Australian Christian church for a number of reasons. Take My Life is a collective work with its origins in 2004 in the band assembled for Sydney University’s Evangelical Union Annual Conference. The attractively ...

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20 years and still talking

After more than 20 years talking about sexuality and leadership, the conversation looks set to continue. Journey presents a short history of a divisive issue. WHEN THE NEWS of Resolution 84 first hit newspaper headlines on 14 July 2003 many people inside and outside the Uniting Church were surprised and even shocked. They would have been more surprised to discover ...

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Government opts out of R.E.

Almost 100 years after Queensland voters passed a referendum guaranteeing time for religious instruction in Queensland schools, the Queensland Government has announced that religious education in all State Schools will be offered on an “opt in” rather than “opt out” basis. The 1910 Referendum to enshrine Religious Education as part of Queensland State School programs was one of only two ...

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Synod memories

I appreciate all that you and your team do to produce Journey on a monthly basis. It is manifest that there is a high degree of sheer hard work and much inspiration too to achieve and sustain such a high standard. I am forwarding this message for your information and not with a view to its publication though you are ...

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