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Search Results for: day camp

Social Responsibility Review – 2 October

What’s coming up Everybody’s mental health is important This Saturday (6 October) marks the beginning of Mental Health Week. Here is a link to events around Queensland and resources. This year there are two Sundays in Mental Health Week, giving congregations several options to recognise and pray for mental health. For a long time, there has been a real and painful ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 25 September

What’s coming up Living the Change As part of the Season of Creation the Queensland Churches Environmental Network is hosting a free screening of the documentary Living the Change on Thursday 4 October at Chermside Kedron Uniting Church, corner Gympie and Rode Rds. This film explores solutions to the global crisis we face today, using inspiring stories to show how ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 18 September

What’s coming up Mental Health Week 6–14 October This year’s theme is Value mental health. There are six steps: Be active, Keep learning, Give, Connect, Take notice and Care. Resources are available to help celebrate this important week. Find an event near you. How about organising an event in your congregation? Here’s a kit to help you. Sunday 14 October ...

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Rallying youth on the Sunshine Coast

A new ecumenical initiative is bringing young people together on the Sunshine Coast to connect with their faith through music and exciting guest speakers. Journey reports on Activate Sunshine Coast (ASC) and what gives it the “X Factor”. It started with a simple proposition: why couldn’t the Sunshine Coast regularly hold youth rallies for the state’s Christians to connect with ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 28 August 2018

What’s coming up Start a conversation  This World Suicide Prevention Day, Monday 10 September, people all around the world will be talking about suicide prevention. So, this is a day to start a conversation that matters! Did you know that eight Australians die every day and 65,000 consider taking their lives each year? So, what more can we do? Check ...

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Nurturing faith as students move from school to university?

It can be one of the big chapters in a young person’s life—the transition from high school to tertiary education—but what happens to a young person’s faith as they encounter social and academic freedoms like never before? Raymont Residential College Principal Richard Niessl explores how to ensure high school is not the end of the road for a young person’s ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 21 August 2018

What’s coming up Rally Against Racism Yes to Multiculturalism, No to Xenophobia! Saturday 8 September, 11.30 am to 12.45 pm, starting in King George Square, CBD. Greens Councillor Jonathon Sri is hosting this rally to let the Federal Government know anti-immigration policies and racist rhetoric are not acceptable. The rally is a positive, family-friendly event featuring poets and performing artists, ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 14 August 2018

What’s coming up September is the season of creation From 1 September to 4 October Christians around the world celebrate the Season of Creation, uniting to pray and care for creation. This year’s theme is “Walking together”, and there are endless ways for your community to journey towards better care of our common home. How about hosting a prayer service, organising a ...

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Social Responsibility Review -7 August 2018

What’s coming up Homelessness Week 6–12 August Homelessness Week is an annual awareness-raising week to highlight the 116,000 Australians who are homeless on any given night. Learn more about homelessness in Australia. Make some noise on social media about this issue. Week in review Youth homelessness on the rise Mission Australia’s new report reveals this hidden problem. The report is ...

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Social responsibility review – 1 August

What’s coming up  Fairtrade Fortnight: August 3–16 Get involved by: ·         Signing up to receive newsletters ·         Displaying Fairtrade Fortnight posters at school, work or in your local community ·         Sharing the graphics on your social media channels to educate others about why they should #BUYFAIR ·         Looking for the Fairtrade Mark at your local supermarket and removing the shadow of doubt about ...

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