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Search Results for: worship

Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  New coda to Mormon ban on soda Fox News reports on the Mormon-owned Brigham Young University’s (BYU) decision to end its six-decade ban on caffeinated soda on campus. While drinking caffeinated soda on campus was not banned, sales were out of belief it was against the religion. The Mormon religion has close ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  No relief but legal grief for Texan churches Christian Post reports on the decision of three Texas churches to sue the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after they were denied aid following the devastating Hurricane Harvey hit the Lone Star state. Diana Verm, counsel at the law firm Becket who filed the ...

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Number crunching the health of the church

The 2016 National Church Life Survey (NCLS) data results have been released to the public but what do the numbers say about the state of the Uniting Church in Queensland and, more broadly, about Christianity in Australia? Queensland Synod Director of Mission Scott Guyatt investigates. Results from the 2016 National Church Life Survey are filtering through after more than 240 000 ...

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How to spread the Christian message in a digital world

Digital technology can be a powerful tool for the church, whether it’s being used for ministry, administration or general communications. Ashley Thompson and Ben Rogers meet some global leaders in the faith-tech space and talk to members of the Uniting Church community in Queensland about what is being done closer to home. In the constantly evolving landscape of digital technology ...

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Anzac Memorial Church celebrates centenary

The uniquely designated Anzac Memorial Church at Indooroopilly, Brisbane celebrates its centenary on 2 September, 2017. Architect and historian Jim Gibson explains why this building holds a special place in Australian history. For 100 years the Anzac Memorial Church has been a feature of the streetscape at Station Road, Indooroopilly. Sitting prominently at the corner of Musgrave Road, directly opposite ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  Worship of Mary (Jane) focus of new church The Guardian profiles a new church in Colorado where worship is dedicated to marijuana: yes, the International Church of Cannabis is lighting up its building and welcoming pot-aficionados. Featuring the stunning artwork of legendary painter Kenny Scharf, the church’s building boasts ping-pong, board games ...

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Bringing 40 years passed to the present

As we continue to celebrate our 40th anniversary year with reflections on the church’s storied past, Rev Duncan Harrison reminds us of the importance of remembering the Basis of Union, the tensions around union, and the leadership team who guided the new church. Moses on Mt Moriah challenged Israel after their 40 years of wandering, “Remember your bondage in Egypt ...

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Debbie’s gone, but we’re still here!

Cyclone Debbie may have vanished from the news but the work of rebuilding and strengthening local communities is gaining traction, thanks to Synod appeal funds from donors nationwide. Dianne Jensen reports. When Cyclone Debbie let loose its fury on the north Queensland town of Bowen, Uniting Church minister Rev Tevita Mone and his five children took refuge in the church ...

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The Kingdom of God: Archaic term or core understanding?

Rev Dr Dean Drayton explores why “Kingdom of God” still has a place in Christian understanding and worship. My own personal discovery 40 years ago of the importance of Jesus’ announcement of the good news of the Kingdom of God, and his teaching about the importance of “entering the kingdom” has had me emphasising this term as vital for the ...

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