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Search Results for: worship

Moderator’s Musing – 23 January 2018

Current Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker.

In the first of a regular column exploring the church, modern Australia and socio-political issues, Queensland Synod Moderator Rev David Baker examines the current controversy surrounding Australia Day’s date. I’ve been thinking about the Australia Day issue. Tragically, predictably, the same old two sides have rapidly formed, each battling to take the moral higher ground from which to beat up ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.    Gospel number awakens Atheist’s slumber CBN News covers one atheist’s journey to Christianity via Edwin Hawkins’ “Oh Happy Day”, a gospel song made popular after it was featured in the hit movie Sister Act 2. Charlie Mackesy, a British artist and former atheist was attending a music festival when he heard ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.   Mary miracle just a pipe dream? The Daily Mail covers news of hundreds of Catholics visiting algae growing beneath a pipe that allegedly contains the image of the Virgin Mary. Discovered by a young boy in the Boyaca region who claimed the image of Mary moved which caused him to drop ...

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What place do young people have in the Uniting Church?

There’s no escaping the reality that the church needs an injection of youth in its demographic makeup but what can be done to kickstart the generational transition? Trinity College Queensland’s Gap Year and Leadership Programs project officer Simon Gomersall offers his thoughts on the matter. The stats are in and they’re not good. The 2016 National Church Life Survey confirmed ...

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Powered by love: how one small church is harnessing diversity to create change

When it comes to revitalising the church, the small congregation of Edmonton Uniting Church in Cairns is proof that size and diversity are no barriers to participating in the mission of God. Dianne Jensen reports. Like many Uniting Churches across Queensland, the Edmonton Uniting Church congregation of 60 or so regular attendees encompasses a range of ages and ethnicities; long-time ...

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Between a rock and a hard place: faith in the city

A parishioner’s generous legacy is helping transform the vision for a new covenantal community into reality at Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church in downtown Brisbane. Dianne Jensen reports.  Next year heritage-listed Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church will launch Holdfast Saint Andrew’s, a contemporary Christian community rooted in the age-old traditions of covenant, mission and spiritual practice. The new venture has been made ...

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Releasing the church for change

Journey asked three young Uniting Church members for their radical game-changing idea to create a vibrant contemporary Christian community. Here’s what they said.  Joshua Harbort My name is Joshua Harbort, I attend Rosewood Uniting Church and I am a PhD student at the University of Queensland in the field of biophysics. Besides my interests in the future of church and ...

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When Blackall Range and Cunnamulla church members get together, the dust begins to fly!

A hands-on partnership with Blackall Range Uniting Churches has provided a boost to the ministry of Frontier Services Cunnamulla–Burke and Wills patrol minister Rev Sunil Kadaparambil. Dianne Jensen reports. Rev Catherine Solomon didn’t expect to be called upon to judge the cake and scone section of the Seniors Week cooking competition in Cunnamulla. But like her fellow visiting Uniting Church ...

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Checking the Heartbeat of the church

What started as a conference four years ago is now a movement for young people to carry God’s heartbeat into their homes, churches, schools and social environment. Ben Tupou reports on the Heartbeat conference at Newlife Uniting Church in Robina. This year’s conference saw over 210 young people from across Brisbane, Gold Coast and as far as Darwin, come together ...

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Multiculturalism alive and well in the church

Speaking at the 33rd Synod in Session, Multi-Cross Cultural Reference Group (MCCRG) chairperson Akesa Racava outlined the ways in which the group’s work intersects with Priority Directions, specifically around discipleship and leadership development, connecting with communities and multicultural capacity building. Citing the statistic that there are over 70 cultures within the life of the church in Queensland, Akesa presented three ...

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