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Search Results for: worship

Make some noise for the planet this Earth Hour

Sue Hutchinson encourages Australian’s to flick the switch this Saturday evening for Earth Hour. Australia has some of the world’s most iconic and breathtaking natural landscapes and wildlife. Just like so many of the natural wonders of our world, we’re facing massive threats to our biodiversity due to climate change. On 24 March, millions of people in over 180 countries ...

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Book review: Crucible of Faith

Ever wondered how beliefs in God, the supernatural and worship evolved in the period between the Old and New Testaments? Philip Jenkins’ latest book Crucible of Faith examines the development of Christianity in the “Crucible Era” (the intertestamental period) and will likely kickstart fascinating conversations about the faith. Nick Mattiske reviews. A universal God, monotheism, heaven, hell, the Day of ...

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This is where God wants me to be

Rev Dr Kerry Pierce, the new Presbytery Minister for Central Queensland, shares her thoughts on returning to the area and taking up the challenge of her new role. My association with the Uniting Church and my adult faith development really began after reading the Basis of Union for a job interview with Lifeline Central Queensland in 1995. Yes, as a ...

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New leadership for Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress

The 2018 Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) National Conference saw participants from across Australia gather to reflect on the theme of healing and celebrate the Congress’ vision for the future. Journey reports. Aboriginal and Islander members in the Uniting Church boosted resources for youth work, mission and evangelism at their triennial national conference held in Geelong over six ...

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Whole-of-church commitment required on safety

Uniting Church members are being called on to do their part to make our church, agencies and schools the safest they can be for children and all people in our care. Journey reports. The Royal Commission on Child Sexual Abuse handed down its 17 volume report on 15 December 2017, bringing the landmark inquiry to a close after almost five ...

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Night time is the right time … for church

We traditionally tend to think of church attendance as a morning activity but The Gap Uniting Church has introduced Sunday night worship sessions catering for older youth and young adults. Emma Holmes writes about her experience attending “Night Church” and what newcomers can expect. “What does a dream worship service for young adults look like?” Eighteen months ago, this question ...

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Mission Control: a pioneering spirit in the church

Scott Guyatt

You may have heard the term “pioneer” before but do you know what it means in a faith context? Queensland Synod Director of Mission Scott Guyatt examines pioneering leadership and some of the ways Queensland congregations are already living out the pioneering spirit. If you’ve bounced around the missional church conversation over the last few years, you’ll have almost certainly ...

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Mind the gap

Introducing “Mind the Gap”, a column by Trinity College Queensland lecturer Simon Gomersall exploring issues around young adults, church and managing transitions from one generation to the next. Two women stood on the bow of a ship on a crisp, clear moonlight night. One surveyed the brilliance of the moon and stars reflected on the still water and, in a ...

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The must-do holiday ideas to revive your spirit

With more and more Christians choosing to visit places of religious significance on their holidays, Dianne Jensen talks to theo-tourists and tour organisers about how to plan a trip and what to expect. Standing on ancient ground or walking in the footsteps of Jesus is a lifelong dream for many Christians. We yearn for a visceral connection with the familiar ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Grammy gong goes to Hillsong The Sydney Morning Herald covers news of Hillsong Worship’s award at the 2018 Grammys for best contemporary Christian music performance/song. The music group won for their hit “What A Beautiful Name” and were the only Australians to be honoured at the music industry’s night of nights. “No matter how far or close you feel to ...

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