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Search Results for: day camp

Fashioning compassion

A worker in a clothing cooperative in Tamil Nadu. Ten women own the cooperative which is currently making t-shirts for Body Glove. The cooperative produces 1000 garments a day, six days a week. Each shirt sells for $25 in America—the equivalent of this women's weekly wage. Photo by Bindy Taylor.

Human trafficking is usually associated with the sex trade, but it forms a key part of the textile industry as well. On a recent Women of Strength trip to India, Bindy Taylor saw first-hand the working conditions experienced by the people who make our clothes. The connection between clothing production and human trafficking is one of the world’s best-kept secrets. ...

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Hope for the Holy Land

Bishop Munib Younan, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, in Brisbane in September

The Holy Land is stitched into the fabric of the Christmas story. Could Mary and Joseph make their way to Bethlehem in today’s conflict-ridden West Bank? Mardi Lumsden explores hopes for peace in Israel and Palestine. From its beginning, Jerusalem has been a city in conflict, and the regions around have been conquered and fought over for centuries. Despite this, people of ...

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Stolen blood

Allan, centre, with Pastor Peter Sewakiryanga and other children saved from child sacrifice by Kyampisi Childcare Ministries

Worldwide reports confirm the reality of child sacrifice in northern Africa. Ashley Goetze speaks to Peter Sewakiryanga about Uganda’s modern affliction. In Uganda, children are routinely kidnapped and their body parts cut off for ritual sacrifice. In pursuit of wealth, clients visit witchdoctors on a weekly basis delivering hearts, livers and blood to be consumed by spirits. Pastor Peter Sewakiryanga is the Director of Kyampisi ...

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Indigenous leaders mobilise for mission

Joya Waia (Weipa) and Ellen Hobson (Bamaga) at the 2013 Grasstree Gathering in Brisbane

Emerging Indigenous leaders and elders from across Australia are forging new partnerships through the Grasstree Gathering. Dianne Jensen reports. “Preaching in your own skin” is a catchphrase that sums up the cultural and spiritual empowerment of a people, and it resounded at the National Grasstree Gathering Emerging Indigenous Christian Leaders Conference in Brisbane. The Grasstree event in early October followed the inaugural ...

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Faith without boundaries

Joan Beavis

Joan Beavis lives in West End, Brisbane where she ministers to the lost and vunerable people of her community. My mother Nellie would hold the hands of the lepers in the hospital on the tiny island of Ubuiua in the Milne Bay district of Papua New Guinea. My father, Bert Cuff, had built the hospital, commissioned by the Methodist Overseas ...

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Churches called to act for peace in Syria

Hana, 16, in the Za’atari refugee camp, wearing the uniform supplied to her by Act for Peace’s partner in Jordan, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)

Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia, visited the Za’atari refugee camp in northern Jordan, supporting Syrian refugees fleeing the crisis. As the conflict worsens, Act for Peace asks for continued support from the Christian community, writes Karen McGrath. Just over a year ago there was only sand, dotted villages and a ...

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Set free to live for others

Arie and Anneke van Klinken. Photo by Holly Jewell

Lives ruled by faith and inspired by a love of adventure have their own reward, as Arie and Anneke van Klinken discovered. Dianne Jensen reports. Arie, 17 years, was picked up outside curfew by Nazi police in Emmen, occupied Holland. A few days later, en route to Gestapo headquarters, he escaped by jumping from the train while it was stationary. ...

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The devil’s in the detail: Navigating the political landscape

The devil's in the detail: Navigating the political landscape

Knowing how to balance convictions of faith and political expediency is a challenge at election time, but being politically engaged takes more than showing up on polling day. Rohan Salmond explores. The debates are on, the attack ads are out and the campaign is in full-swing. On 7 September, Australia will once again make its triennial pilgrimage to the polls ...

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Reining in loose change

A movement to divest of fossil fuel shares as a means to limit global warming is gaining momentum. Marguerite Marshall encourages Christians to steward their finances to support care of the earth. Divesting our fossil fuel shares and investing in clean renewable energy goes to the very heart of our lives as Christians to care for God’s creation and to ...

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Disciples embark on 30th Synod adventure

Members from Uniting Churches across Queensland gathered together at Alexandra Park Conference Centre to commence the Queensland Syond's 30th meeting. Moderator's celebrates unity On the first full day of business at the 30th Synod Rev Kaye Ronalds reflected on the first half of her journey as Moderator. Ms Ronalds said her position as Moderator has enabled her to partake in ...

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