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Search Results for: Synod in Session

Synod Standing Committee – October 2020

Below is the brief summary of the Synod Standing Committee meeting—held on Thursday 1 October—to inform the wider Queensland Synod community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from that meeting. This meeting was held in the Rollie Busch Chapel at the Synod office in a COVID safe manner.   Hearing from presbyteries The Carpentaria and Downs Presbyteries reported on ...

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Moderator’s contribution to the Queensland Synod acknowledged in COVID-19 safe Service of Worship

As the term of Moderator Rev David Baker nears conclusion, a Service of Worship was held to mark the occasion with a distinctly COVID-19 safe approach to proceedings. James O’Callaghan reports. A closing Service of Worship for any moderator is a significant event in the life of the church. But in the COVID-19 safe era of physical distancing, gathering limitations, ...

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Synod Standing Committee – September 2020

Below is the brief summary of the Synod Standing Committee meeting—held on Thursday 3 September 2020—to inform the wider Queensland Synod community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from that meeting. This meeting was held by video conference due to COVID-19 restrictions.  Project Plenty As we approach Synod in Session, the Synod Standing Committee endorsed and recommended the latest ...

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Synod Standing Committee update – August 2020

Below is the brief summary of the Synod Standing Committee meeting—held on Thursday 6 August 2020—to inform the wider Uniting Church in Queensland community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from that meeting. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting was held virtually. The Synod Standing Committee resolved unanimously that it communicate regularly with the wider church on non-sensitive matters. ...

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33rd Synod: Setting the course ahead

Reflecting on the past and discerning how the church faces the future was front and centre of the 33rd Synod meeting (20–24 October). The team from Journey reports. Hundreds of Uniting Church members gathered at the Alexandra Park Conference Centre on the Sunshine Coast as the 33rd Synod in Session kicked off in style with a rousing opening worship of ...

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Queensland Synod office transitions for future health

In her first report to a Synod in Session as the general secretary, Rev Heather den Houting outlined a number of the activities, strategies and happenings the Synod office has been involved with over that past 18 months. On the first day of business of the 33rd Queensland Synod, Heather called members to reflect on the duties of the Synod ...

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5 ways to connect with Synod

Synod in Session is coming up later this month (20–24 October) when 400 or so members of the Uniting Church in Queensland will gather for five days. Whether you’re attending or not, here are five ways to keep informed about what’s happening and even join the conversation. Read the reports Synod reports are available online and provide a succinct overview ...

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A big training Session awaits …

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

I was listening to Sammy Thaiday, the popular Queensland rugby league player describe a State of Origin training camp. “Oh, they’re great times,” said Sammy, “we train a bit, we plan a bit, and we have some fun.” As I listened, I thought, wow, sounds like that’s what a Synod in Session could be like. Now a Synod is a ...

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32nd Synod: United in purpose and passion

32nd Synod. Photo: Ben Rogers

Enriching dialogue and diversity reigned at the 32nd Synod meeting (20–24 May) while future directions were confirmed. The Journey team was there to cover the event. The Alexandra Park Conference Centre on the Sunshine Coast was packed with hundreds of Uniting Church members from across Queensland. The tea urns were switched on and the blue and orange cards were ready ...

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Synod adopts revised priority directions

Rev Linda Hanson addresses her concerns regarding the 2016–2020 priority directions to the 32nd Synod. Photo by Mardi Lumsden.

After fervent discussion the 32nd Synod has passed by consensus revised priority directions for 2016–2020. Brought forward by Rev Andrew Gunton on behalf the facilitation team, the original wording of the proposal was amended to reflect the concerns of 32nd Synod members. The originally discerned top five priorities of 32nd Synod members were to “adopt as its priority directions for ...

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