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Search Results for: Synod in Session

Synod in session experience – Gemma Ward

What prompted you to nominate for Synod? How did you find the nomination process? I first found out about the Synod after I had my first experience of being in ‘a room full of Christians’ – I was amazed, there were at least sixty people! And we were all praying and chatting and learning together! A lady at my church ...

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Synod in Session experience – Claire Nicholls

Claire Nicholls reflects on her experience as a young adult at the 33rd Synod in Session. As we all look ahead to the new year our church is preparing to meet again for Synod in Session 2019. Towards the beginning of 2017 my church council asked for nominations for the upcoming Synod in Session and at the time my work schedule ...

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Synod in Session experience – Tim Holmes

Tim Holmes of Brisbane reflects on his experience as a young person at the 33rd Synod in Session. What prompted you to nominate for Synod? How did you find the nomination process? I had been involved in Easter Madness and a few other Synod activities so I understood the role and function of the Synod body, with this I realised ...

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Seven Synod in Session stand-outs

7 Synod in Session stand-outs

This month’s 32nd Synod in Session offers a wealth of activities to inspire and enjoy. Journey suggests seven great things to look out for. Unchained Ever had a risky or dangerous idea for our church that you weren’t quite brave enough to name? Unchained is a festival where some of those dangerous ideas will be set free. Listen and share ...

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Listen to selected sessions from the 25th Synod

A number of the sessions from the 25th Synod of the Uniting Church in Queesland are available as sound files. You can download these to listen on your computer. (Note that large audio file downloads can take a long time if you are on a dial-up connection.) Preaching at the celebration of the 25th Queensland Synod of the Uniting Church, ...

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Summary of the December 7, 2023 Synod Standing Committee Meeting

Below is a summary of the Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meeting – held on December 7 to inform the wider Queensland Synod community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from that meeting. The meeting was held at UnitingCare Queensland’s offices. General Synod Finance Team and auditor Grant Thornton presented Audited Financial Statements for the year ending June 2023. The ...

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37th Synod Daily Summary: Monday, Oct 23

Exploring the idea of ‘Growing, not building’, the 37th Synod continued into its penultimate day. Opening Worship & Bible Study Drawing on arresting imagery of a tree planted by the water (Jer 17:5-8) Mandy Smith led the Synod in a deep and at times challenging reflection on what it means to live and depend wholly on God. “What does it ...

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Summary of the June 2023 Synod Standing Committee Meeting

The Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meet once monthly on the first Thursday of the month. The agenda included the presentation of the Synod budget in preparation for the new financial year and an update on the various review projects underway.  The SSC also heard presentations from ACT2, the Audit Risk Committee (ARC) and the Business Development Unit (BDU). Update from ...

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Summary Synod Standing Committee Update – November 2022

The Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meets on the first Thursday of every month. Updates from the Moderator & General Secretary There was much to celebrate last month. Deep gratitude and congratulations to: Trevor Murray of Gatton congregation was awarded the Moderator’s medal. Rev Bernie Jarius, Rev Bob Heathwood and Rev Wayne Sanderson on the 50th anniversary of their ordination. Jennifer ...

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Synod Standing Committee Update – August to September 2022

Below is a summary of the Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meeting—held on Thursday, 1 September. This update is to inform you of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from that meeting. The SSC meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month. Updates from the Moderator and General Secretary  The Synod Standing Committee has been meeting face to face; however, ...

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