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Moderator’s Musing – 3 September

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

Part two of my trip up north was to “Walk on Country” with Rev Richard Cassady, a few Synod folk, and “Australians Together”. What inspired me about this trip was engaging with Indigenous leaders who are getting on with the job of providing opportunities for their people to find meaningful purpose in life. The Girringun Aboriginal Corporation at Cardwell runs ...

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Rallying youth on the Sunshine Coast

A new ecumenical initiative is bringing young people together on the Sunshine Coast to connect with their faith through music and exciting guest speakers. Journey reports on Activate Sunshine Coast (ASC) and what gives it the “X Factor”. It started with a simple proposition: why couldn’t the Sunshine Coast regularly hold youth rallies for the state’s Christians to connect with ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.     Church wine to blame for drink-drive shame?  Daily Mail Australia reports on some of the more creative reasons given by motorists who have been caught drink-driving. One driver on the Sunshine Coast blamed the church when police pulled them over and stated church wine was the reason he was over ...

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Jesus’ role in the “devil’s music”

It’s one of the most popular music genres today but rock music has traditionally had a complicated relationship with Christianity. Nick Mattiske reviews a pair of recent books on the topic to explore the intersections between music, race, religion and politics. In the early 1990s Christian music superstar Amy Grant was the subject of controversy for her “crossover” into mainstream ...

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Moderator’s Musing – 28 August

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

Well, what a week in the federal parliament! Yet the underlying issues of how the two large political parties function and fulfil their purpose has been a renewed issue for about ten years. The ALP historically managed this by a formal factional structure; the Liberals and Nationals by more informal means. They are both a manifestation of a more recent ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 28 August 2018

What’s coming up Start a conversation  This World Suicide Prevention Day, Monday 10 September, people all around the world will be talking about suicide prevention. So, this is a day to start a conversation that matters! Did you know that eight Australians die every day and 65,000 consider taking their lives each year? So, what more can we do? Check ...

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Nurturing faith as students move from school to university?

It can be one of the big chapters in a young person’s life—the transition from high school to tertiary education—but what happens to a young person’s faith as they encounter social and academic freedoms like never before? Raymont Residential College Principal Richard Niessl explores how to ensure high school is not the end of the road for a young person’s ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.    Reap what you sow with a nice cup of joe Laist reports on efforts by a Korean church in California to attract new congregants with coffee. The Ignatius Café offers the kind of beverages you’d expect from a popular coffee house but the establishment’s owner is actually the St Agnes ...

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Moderator’s Musing – 21 August 2018

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in far North Queensland at the opening of the re-built Gully Peters Uniting Church on Mornington Island, and then “Walking on Country” with Rev Richard Cassady, some Synod leaders, and the team from “Australians Together”. Mornington Island is the home of Lardil peoples. It is also now home to the Kaiadilt peoples from ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 21 August 2018

What’s coming up Rally Against Racism Yes to Multiculturalism, No to Xenophobia! Saturday 8 September, 11.30 am to 12.45 pm, starting in King George Square, CBD. Greens Councillor Jonathon Sri is hosting this rally to let the Federal Government know anti-immigration policies and racist rhetoric are not acceptable. The rally is a positive, family-friendly event featuring poets and performing artists, ...

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