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Reflections on the Reformation and the Uniting Church


In 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany and the rest, as they say, is history. Luther’s call for debate on the faith would lead to the Reformation which shook the very core of European thinking on religion, politics and culture. To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation Dr Janice ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  New coda to Mormon ban on soda Fox News reports on the Mormon-owned Brigham Young University’s (BYU) decision to end its six-decade ban on caffeinated soda on campus. While drinking caffeinated soda on campus was not banned, sales were out of belief it was against the religion. The Mormon religion has close ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  No relief but legal grief for Texan churches Christian Post reports on the decision of three Texas churches to sue the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after they were denied aid following the devastating Hurricane Harvey hit the Lone Star state. Diana Verm, counsel at the law firm Becket who filed the ...

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Exploring the big questions of science

Although some might see an irreconcilable tension between science and religion, the quest for knowledge and meaning lies at the heart of both. While our understanding of the universe and humanity is constantly evolving as scientific breakthroughs occur, where does religious faith sit in our thinking? Nick Mattiske explores the big questions of science and faith in two books on ...

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Shalom Christian College celebrates its 25th year and NAIDOC

Tanya Salam with students at Shalom Christian College. Photo: Supplied

In 2017 Shalom Christian College is celebrating its 25th year and one way the college is celebrating this is through its annual NAIDOC Day which will be held on 8 September.  Tanya Salam has been a part of all the NAIDOC Day celebrations at the college throughout the years. Tanya is a secondary school teacher and has been contributing to ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. ANU experiment sees priests as detriment Brisbane Times reports on the findings of an Australian National University report, Australian Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Science, which suggests that Australians see priests as a detriment to our wellbeing. But it’s always good to read the fine print: the 1200 people selected as “typical Australians” ...

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Anzac Memorial Church celebrates centenary

The uniquely designated Anzac Memorial Church at Indooroopilly, Brisbane celebrates its centenary on 2 September, 2017. Architect and historian Jim Gibson explains why this building holds a special place in Australian history. For 100 years the Anzac Memorial Church has been a feature of the streetscape at Station Road, Indooroopilly. Sitting prominently at the corner of Musgrave Road, directly opposite ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  Christians start “Faithbook” after social media ban The Christian Post reports on a new social media platform, SocialCross, which is being dubbed as an alternative to Facebook. Created by Christians banned from Facebook for posting controversial statements on LGBT issues, SocialCross currently has 2300 users and is billed as a “Christian site, ...

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After the flood, where’s the river of tears?

With a major humanitarian disaster unfolding in Nepal, India and Bangladesh due to dangerous flooding, UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor asks where is the media coverage and what can we do to help?  The first I knew of 16 million people inundated by floodwater were the photos from a friend on Facebook. Outstretched hands, bare shoulders, muddy torrents: they were the first of what ...

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National Science Week special

To coincide with National Science Week (12-20 August) here are some science-related stories we’ve written over the years:  Stem cell biologist Dr Nathan Palpant talks to Dianne Jensen Physicist Dr Joel Corney talks to Dianne Jensen.  Book review: Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality  Book review: The Big Questions in Science and Religion Book review: God’s Undertaker  Opinion: Engaging science     

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