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Poverty inspires justice

IT’S NOT every day you see a music video featuring the people the song is about, especially when the song is about a young Filipino prostitute. But that didn’t stop Brisbane band, Remember Seven, launch a video clip for their song Red Lit Stage in September. Indeed, the band usually goes against the norms of the music industry, not because ...

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Meditating on God

THE PRACTICES of meditation and yoga are often thought of as part of Eastern religions. Rev Dr Amos Manoharan, minister at Holland Park Central Uniting Church, south of Brisbane, disagrees. “There are some wrong notions about yoga,” he said. “Sometimes, the word yoga creates some prejudices. “Some call it a new age concept or Hinduism or devilish. There is no ...

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Reading the bible through new eyes

WE, IN THE Western World, live in a time and space that has been moulded by the concept of modernity and a scientific world view. But do we realise when we read Scripture that the places we have come from – our cultural heritage, church tradition, the understanding of the world that we have been schooled in, our family etc ...

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Shining through grey clouds

IN APRIL, in response to the flooding in Brisbane in January, a few Uniting Church members opened a support centre to help community members suff ering from grief, pain, bereavement, and life direction and relationship issues. Known as the Grey Clouds Blue Skies Support Centre, it provides free workshops, seminars, small group and one-on-one counselling by a trained, compassionate and ...

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Australia’s secret

SUICIDE IS an abrasive word. I don’t even like writing it, let alone saying it. In 2009, we lost 1633 men and 499 women to suicide. That’s 2132 people with mums, dads, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters and children. In the same year, 1507 people lost their lives in road crashes. I don’t wish to detract from the tragic loss of ...

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Mind over matter: How what we think shapes us

DESPITE AMAZING technological advances over the years, there is one thing scientists still struggle to completely understand: the human brain. Dr Nancey Murphy, Professor of Christian Philosophy at the Fuller Theological Seminary in California, was in Australia in August and delivered the annual Rollie Busch Memorial Lecture at Trinity Theological College in Brisbane. The seminar, entitled “Did My Neurons Make ...

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Mateship amidst chaos

IN AUGUST Army Chaplain, Rev Alamoti Lavaki, was awarded the Silver Commendation for his work with grief stricken soldiers in Afghanistan. “It was a very difficult deployment where so many Australians were killed in action,” he said. “I was awarded the Silver Commendation for just doing my job by refocusing the soldiers to get on and finish the job in ...

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Lions roar with Burleigh friends

IF YOU come across any Lions at Burleigh there is no need to fear; they are a friendly pack and ready to help. The Never Alone Friendship Centre, an outreach program of the Burleigh Heads Uniting Church found this out recently when the local Lions Club made a donation. The Lions Club of Burleigh Heads heard about the Centre and ...

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Minor trip for major funds

SERIAL ADVENTURE fundraisers, Arnold and Avis Eggins (left), embarked on a 15 000km journey around Australia in their 1954 Morris Minor ute on 5 June to raise funds for the Barnabas Community, a ministry of Lifeline Community Care Queensland. Last year the couple raised more than $4000 for the Barnabas Community by walking 100km. Their latest journey began at Thorneside ...

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Nurses learn from Solomon Islands experience

THE HELENA Goldie Hospital in Munda in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands has one of the few Diploma of Nursing programs in the island nation. Run by the United Church in Solomon Islands, the Helena Goldie Hospital partners with the Uniting Church in Australia. As part of the partnership UnitingCare Health is committed to helping the Helena Goldie ...

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