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Queensland to Turn Blue for BlueCare: A Spectacular Display of Support

By Andrew McKaysmith, Synod Writer and Content Creator.  In a remarkable show of support and solidarity, various landmarks and assets across Queensland will be bathed in a beautiful blue hue on August 24, all in the name of BlueCare. However, it’s important to note that Brisbane will have its own special date, slated for August 10. Brisbane will witness some ...

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Book review: Keeping Faith – How Christian Organisations can stay true to the way of Jesus

Book Review by Rev Kate Fraser You don’t have to participate in the Church for very long before hearing and perhaps sharing the concern that agencies of the Church are no longer embodying the values upon which they were founded. Consequently, I approached the reading of “Keeping Faith” with the hope that it would provide some useful guidelines for bringing ...

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Helping form disciples who are here to stay

By Paul Wetzig, Project Officer – Discipleship.  What does it take to help nurture lifelong followers of the way of Jesus, to make disciples? It has been the central work of the church since its inception, and each new generation has required adaptation of practice to ensure that the way of Jesus is known and embodied, in word and deed, ...

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Nurturing Faith at Home: Here2Stay Discipleship Framework Offers Resources for Lifelong Growth

By Jillian Ross, Day Camp, Intergen & Faith at Home Coordinator, Moreton Rivers Presbytery One of the foundational principles of the Here2Stay discipleship framework is the nurturing of Families/Households as the primary faith communities for all ages. Offering a range of resources for Lent/Easter & Advent/Christmas was one way our church realised that we could support households in having a ...

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God’s Big Story – What is my role? What is my purpose? Why am I here?

By Jess Pinkerton, Families Pastor, Emmanuel Uniting Church and Mission Engagement – Children, Youth and Families, Queensland Synod Office Maybe someone has asked you these questions when they’ve been struggling. Maybe you’ve asked yourself these questions in a moment of crisis. Maybe you’ve uttered these under your breath a few times today…? Three somewhat simple yet universal questions that everyone ...

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Intergenerational ministry – embracing a child-like faith and getting a “big bit of Jesus”

By Rev. Josie Neuendorff, Children, Youth & Families Minister, Chermside Kedron Community Church. Often, when I find myself gathered in community around Christ’s table, sharing in the mysterious yet nourishing meal of Holy Communion, I find myself remembering a valuable lesson a significant teacher taught me about 15 years ago. It was not in theological college but in my local ...

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A (much) Wider View of the Voice to Parliament

By Rev Dr Lorraine Parkinson, Uniting Church Minister. It is a fair comment that history is written by the winners. Until recently, the authors of Australian history, from Captain James Cook onward, may well have been described as such. Harvard philosopher George Santayana’s adage: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, bears repeating. As this ...

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Book review – Part 2: Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory

The title intrigued me! No one can see canoe mountains – can they? By nature, mountains rise above sea level, and canoeists develop their skill ‘down there’, not ‘up there’. In short, canoeing needs water and not the water generally found aloft mountains. Besides, what has the leadership to do with something that frankly doesn’t happen? And that is precisely ...

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NAPLAN results are in – TLC is the top-performing Secondary School in the region!

Based in the heart of the fast-growing North Lakes area of Brisbane, The Lakes college is a co-educational College campus and a vibrant and happy place with boundless opportunities. Catering for Prep to Year 12, The Lakes College is an independent school established in 2005, underpinned by the traditions and beliefs of the Uniting Church. The Lakes College is the ...

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