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Journey asks Georgia Corowa: What does Easter mean to you?

EASTER to me means remembering what Jesus did for us in our Christian faith. It is a good time for celebration and another reason to get together with family and friends and celebrate being in love with God and everything to do with that. I think living in this society Easter has become really commercialised and it is easy to ...

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Easter people learning to love

We have watched a lot of episodes of The Simpsons over the years in our house. Mr Burns, the mean spirited owner of the Nuclear Power Plant, has a brush with illness and becomes intoxicated with the drug treatment. In the forest a glowing light appears and people of Springfield gather outside the town to see the spectacle. Emerging from ...

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Journey asks Rev David Won Kim: What does Easter mean to you?

EASTER means a resurrection and, according to Leviticus, it is a jubilee; the brand new and the new creation. That is the assurance from God and the meaning of Easter for me and, I believe, the wider Korean community. In the Korean Christian community Easter is like another New Year’s Day, it is like a family reunion. For Korean Christians ...

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Behind Kony 2012

LAST month, the Kony 2012 film became an internet sensation. As the film clip went viral, millions of people throughout the world were exposed for the first time to warlord and internationally wanted criminal Joseph Kony. Focussing on the plight of children kidnapped to fuel the Lord’s Resistance Army, the groundswell of support for the campaign to bring Kony to ...

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What is your greatest life lesson?

"I’m glad I learnt to swim because we got a new swimming pool."Kell Jones, 9, Indooroopilly  Uniting Church "Be very specific in your prayers and one we get told all the time, but I learnt the hard way: do not drive tired!"Kate Wilson, 22, Iona West Uniting Church evening congregation "Don’t wait for someone to give you permission to say ...

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Simple lessons

There are some days where it doesn’t feel like I have learnt anything. But then, as I think about my day, I realise that I have learnt many small things, like the importance of saving my work. Our IT department has a saying: Jesus saves. It came in handy when there was a power out in our street in February ...

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Studying theology

I remember my first class studying at Trinity College Theological College in Auchenflower in Brisbane. I was completing my Period of Discernment as I explored God’s call to the Ministry of Deacon and enrolled in the subject “Introducing Theology”. Sitting in the lecture with about 30 other people I was a feeling a little apprehensive, though I had studied civil ...

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Celebration in paradise

FEBRUARY was a month of celebration at Paradise Point Uniting Church on the Gold Coast. In a growing congregation of 150, a total of 26 newly confirmed members and members-in-association were recognised during worship led by Rev Col Shenfield on 5 February. A further nine new confirmed members were recognised on 12 February. The congregation also celebrated the 20th anniversary ...

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