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Search Results for: worship

34th Synod in Session: Day two – Now is the time to sow

The theme of “Sow” was at the heart of worship, reflection and business during the second day of Synod in Session. Journey reports. Synod in Session saw the launch of Project Plenty, a new whole-of-Synod strategic planning exercise that will shape the Synod in the future. The 18-month process will involve consultation with presbyteries and congregations and collaboration and alignment ...

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34th Synod in Session: Called to seek the kingdom

The 34th Synod at Alexandra Park Conference Centre on Friday 17 May 2019 was officially opened by the Moderator Rev David Baker. Journey reports. Moderator Rev David Baker welcomed Assembly President Dr Deirdre Palmer and Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer, as well as visitors from the Ekaristi Church in Dili, Timor-Leste, Bevinda Pinto and Isac de Jesus. A powerful Welcome to Country ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.   Don’t be a fool; religion has a place in school  The Sydney Morning Herald has an opinion piece arguing that religious education still has a place in Australian schools despite critics waging an ideological war to have it removed. Christian SRE CEO Murray Norman examines the Census data and finds that while ...

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Moderator’s Musing – 30 April

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

So Easter Madness “went off” and it was a wonderful time of discipleship, fellowship, and worship for 180 young people. I popped in on the Sunday to have a yarn with those who wanted to talk about “the big questions”. One came to me that I didn’t expect: “Was Jesus ripped?”. I needed a bit of help. “Ripped”? “Yeah, you ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.  Cash splash on religious security after terror attack The Conversation reports on Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement of $55 million for enhanced security measures at religious premises. In the wake of the Christchurch massacre, Morrison spoke of tribalism and managing differences but was ready to put money towards ensuring that religious ...

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International Women’s Day – Rev Jenny Coombes

Longreach minister Rev Jenny Coombes. Photo was supplied.

Rev Jenny Coombes, minister at Longreach Uniting Church writes for International Women’s Day. How long have you been involved/connected to the church? I have been connected with the church since I was a child at Sunday School. As I grew up I started teaching Sunday school—that and playing piano for services were my main connection initially. What inspired you to ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Common phrase lost in religious haze The ABC’s Religion & Ethics blog examines the history of the phrase “Judeo-Christian tradition” and what it means in the context of western politics. University of Queensland Emeritus Professor Philip C. Almond traces the relatively short history of the term since the early-to-mid 20th century and how it became a term “that transcended both ...

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Reflections on the Word of God

Does the “way” of Christ and his teachings constitute the authoritative Word of God or are other parts of the Bible (such as the Old Testament) also included as the authoritative Word of God? Journey sat down with three theologians from Trinity College Queensland and Uniting College to explore the issue. Dr John Frederick When difficult theological issues arise we ...

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The art of preaching without words

This issue introduces the new Journey Q & A focusing on Uniting Church artists and photographers. Meet Queensland artist and Uniting Church minister (retired) Rev Dr Geraldine Wheeler BA, BD, MTh, MEd, PhD; one of the founders of the ecumenical artist group Visionaries which celebrates the twentieth anniversary of its first exhibition in 2019. Geraldine has maintained an art practice ...

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Mission Control: Know

Over the course of 2019, I want to take the opportunity to unpack a simple mission framework in this column. Conveniently the framework has four parts so that fits nicely into the format for the year. The four parts of this framework are represented by four words: Know, Notice, Discern and Act. If that’s all you need to know … ...

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