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Multi-faith movement for peace at home

A multi-faith coalition of communities will come together on 25 November for the “Peace Begins at Home” walk to stop violence against women.

A multi-faith coalition of communities will come together on 25 November for the “Peace Begins at Home” walk to stop violence against women. The event coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and White Ribbon Day. Journey talks with three women helping organise the event. Now in its second year, the walk through ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. Check back in every Friday to see the latest wrap up of religious news that made us think and reflect. Hillary turns to Galatians to cope with mega loss As the world watched Donald Trump win the presidential election, a shattered Hillary Clinton went on social media with a scriptural message for ...

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Six reasons why cricket is the game played in heaven

Six reasons why Test cricket will be the game played in heaven.

It’s not easy being an Australian cricket fan, especially of the classic five-day Test format. Non-believers scoff at the faithful—those who hold fast in the face of constant disappointment to the belief that we will prevail. For those feeling discouraged by the recent performance of the Australian Test team (or wondering what the fuss is about), Dianne Jensen pushes the ...

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Film review: Elle


Paul Verhoeven has brought his fair share of risky (and often risqué) material to the big screen over the past four decades: think Starship Troopers, a fierce critique of US foreign policy masquerading as a sci-fi extravaganza, the garish spectacular Showgirls or the pulpy thriller Basic Instinct. But his latest French-language drama Elle might just be his most controversial film ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. Check back in every Friday to see the latest wrap up of religious news that made us think and reflect. Message to God: football wins are harder than they look The Guardian reports on Arsenal football club manager Arsene Wenger and his lifelong obsession with soccer. Wenger reflects on three decades in ...

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What do you make of Halloween?

Halloween pumpkins

It might be quickly catching on as an Australian calendar fixture synonymous with horror-themed costumes and teeth-rotting lollies but what should Christians make of Halloween? Rev David MacGregor examines the history behind the commercialism and the practice of “trick or treat”. What do you make of Halloween each year? I’ve long wondered that. Halloween is of course huge business in ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. Check back in every Friday to see the latest wrap up of religious news that made us think and reflect. Christ’s burial place exposed for first time in centuries National Geographic reports that restorers working in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Israel have uncovered a stone slab revered as the resting ...

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Only the shrewd survive

Lee Carseldine and Kristie Bennett made it to the finale of Australian Survivor season three. Photo from Network Ten.

Aspiring to good morals does not win you Survivor, as Tess Lynch from Grantland points out, in this game “integrity and honesty is nothing against manipulation and well-executed lies”. Trust, dignity and respect: This was ex-cricketer Lee Carseldine’s mantra since day dot on the island of Samoa—the unforgiving location for Network Ten’s Australian reboot of Survivor, the wildly successful international reality ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. Check back in every Friday to see the latest wrap up of religious news that made us think and reflect. Adelaide church breaks up over same-sex relationship BuzzFeed reports on an Adelaide church which has split from the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) denomination due to a disagreement over LGBTI people in the church ...

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Bridging the Gap with Sri Lanka

Members of The Gap Uniting Church recently completed a challenging trek through Sri Lanka. Photo: Supplied

Members of The Gap Uniting Church recently completed a challenging trek through Sri Lanka to raise money to support children with disability. Joanne Allen-Keeling shares her account of the adventure and how UnitingWorld are shaping lives and communities abroad for the better. On 21 September 2016, the Bridge The Gap team set off for Sri Lanka to visit the projects ...

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