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Tag Archives: Uniting Church

Social Responsibility Review – 27 November

What’s coming up Empowering people with disability International Day of People with Disability is 3 December. Roughly 15 per cent of our global population or about 1 billion people around the world live with a disability. Resources are available for communities, schools, workplaces etc. to get involved. More ideas are available here. Please remember when you are planning: “Nothing about ...

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The 15th Assembly—Grace in abundance, hope liberated

Members of the Uniting Church’s 15th Assembly have returned home to share the news of the landmark decisions made at the 15th triennial meeting. Matt Pulford reports. Over seven days from 8–14 July, more than 260 Assembly members shared prayer, worship and bible studies with ecumenical and interfaith friends, church partners and each other. Former South Australia Moderator Dr Deidre ...

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Keep on questioning

It was recently my privilege to facilitate a number of electives at the Uniting Church Synod-wide youth camp, Easter Madness. My electives were titled, “Big Questions” which created space for groups of adolescents to ask and explore questions relating to life and faith. I was deeply impressed by the depth of questions asked, the maturity of ensuing interaction and the ...

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Deidre’s discipleship

Youth worker, Christian educator, academic, theologian, social worker, counsellor and Moderator: Dr Deidre Palmer has held many roles throughout her life but she will soon add “Uniting Church President” to the list when members of the 15th Assembly meet in July. Matt Pulford profiles our next president. Dr Deidre Palmer chooses her words carefully when asked about her call to ...

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Moderator’s Musing – 19 March 2018

Current Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker.

Last Friday I had the opportunity to spend a day at the Grasstree Gathering. About 150 Indigenous Christian leaders gathered over the weekend to encourage and support one another in the work they are doing with and for their people. It was an inspiring event. Artists like Safina Stewart spoke of their journey and what they are seeking to say ...

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Royston’s dream to inspire

Already a role model in his home town of Mapoon, a small community an hour’s drive from Weipa in Queensland’s far north, Royston Sagigi-Baira speaks to James O’Callaghan about his career highlights, connection to the Church and his hopes for the future. Royston, who relocated to Brisbane last year to attend the Aboriginal Centre of Performing Arts, hopes to draw ...

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New leadership for Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress

The 2018 Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) National Conference saw participants from across Australia gather to reflect on the theme of healing and celebrate the Congress’ vision for the future. Journey reports. Aboriginal and Islander members in the Uniting Church boosted resources for youth work, mission and evangelism at their triennial national conference held in Geelong over six ...

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Whole-of-church commitment required on safety

Uniting Church members are being called on to do their part to make our church, agencies and schools the safest they can be for children and all people in our care. Journey reports. The Royal Commission on Child Sexual Abuse handed down its 17 volume report on 15 December 2017, bringing the landmark inquiry to a close after almost five ...

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Night time is the right time … for church

We traditionally tend to think of church attendance as a morning activity but The Gap Uniting Church has introduced Sunday night worship sessions catering for older youth and young adults. Emma Holmes writes about her experience attending “Night Church” and what newcomers can expect. “What does a dream worship service for young adults look like?” Eighteen months ago, this question ...

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The BIG ACT you MUST do this Easter to really embody Jesus

At the heart of the Easter narrative is a miraculous tale of life after death, of sacrifice and renewal, but how can we practise this concept of resurrection in today’s world? Dr John Frederick—Trinity College Queensland’s New Testament Lecturer—reflects on Jesus’ miracle and how Uniting Church members can embody resurrection in their own faith communities. With the coming of Easter, ...

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