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What does a “mission ready” graduate of Trinity College Queensland actually look like?

You may have heard the phrase “mission ready” in the context of theological learning but what does that actually mean in a practical sense? Rev Nigel Rogers—Trinity College Queensland’s Dean of Formation and Dispersed Learning—illustrates the characteristics of the mission ready graduate and how that links to the Basis of Union. Would you know a graduate from Trinity if they ...

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Keep on questioning

It was recently my privilege to facilitate a number of electives at the Uniting Church Synod-wide youth camp, Easter Madness. My electives were titled, “Big Questions” which created space for groups of adolescents to ask and explore questions relating to life and faith. I was deeply impressed by the depth of questions asked, the maturity of ensuing interaction and the ...

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When the choir came to town

Pub Choir is the growing craze for people wanting a fun night out singing and meeting others but as Scott Guyatt discovered, there may be some profound lessons the church can learn from their community-building efforts. Recently I found myself on the banks of the Brisbane River, a member of an impromptu Pub Choir of around 600 voices, singing Midnight ...

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Why RI still belongs in our schools

Rev Paul Clark draws upon the survey results of the 2017 Queensland Christian Religious Instruction Network (QCRIN) survey from more than 750 instructors, to offer this fictionalised profile of who is teaching Religious Instruction and why it matters for our youth. Janet enters her local state school every Friday. She’s a retired teacher aide who’s been part of the school ...

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Eight tips for bringing kids (and their parents) back to church

Wondering where all the kids went? Read our top tips from local leaders and congregations for creating sustainable ministry with children. 1. Put children’s and family ministry at the centre of your church mission. This means more than just welcoming kids and their parents or carers, but providing opportunities for them to serve and listening to their ideas. It means ...

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Mine and yours: sharing tomorrow’s wealth

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

I had my third visit to Cape York in April for the funeral of Rev Silas Wombly of Aurukun. Silas was a clan leader and a Uniting Church minister. Being raised at the mission, he worked as a stockman in the Gulf country before heading back to work for Comalco. He left for Nungalinya College in Darwin, and returned as ...

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This is where God wants me to be

Rev Dr Kerry Pierce, the new Presbytery Minister for Central Queensland, shares her thoughts on returning to the area and taking up the challenge of her new role. My association with the Uniting Church and my adult faith development really began after reading the Basis of Union for a job interview with Lifeline Central Queensland in 1995. Yes, as a ...

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The heart of giving

Generously giving to those in need lies at the heart of the Christian ethos. In this new column Queensland Synod office Chief Fundraising Officer Raushen Perera explores the (he)art of giving, new campaigns for congregations to support, and updates on past initiatives. Leading your congregation to respond to the word of God with generosity, is best not left to chance ...

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Resurrecting peace in a world of violence

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

As the seasons of the church’s year bring us around again to Easter, we are given a renewed opportunity to again enter into what for the Christian faith is the heart of the whole Judeo–Christian tradition. Pared to what could be described as observable, we have a Jewish rabbi who wants renewal of the faith of his people; a few ...

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Mission Control: a pioneering spirit in the church

Scott Guyatt

You may have heard the term “pioneer” before but do you know what it means in a faith context? Queensland Synod Director of Mission Scott Guyatt examines pioneering leadership and some of the ways Queensland congregations are already living out the pioneering spirit. If you’ve bounced around the missional church conversation over the last few years, you’ll have almost certainly ...

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