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Search Results for: day camp

Social Responsibility Review – 19 July

What’s Coming Up Earth overshoot day “Earth Overshoot Day” marks the day in the year when we, the people of earth, have already consumed as many resources as the earth can replenish in one year. Getting earlier each year. We are looking to take action together with other Christian churches on 29 July. You can find a good clip from ...

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Social responsibility review – 12 July

Coming up Six years too long July 19 marks six years since the “PNG Solution” was announced, ensuring that people seeking asylum arriving by boat after 19 July 2013 would be sent to a detention facility in Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island, and denied the opportunity to ever settle in Australia. The call of #SixYearsTooLong will be echoing across Australia ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 21 June

What’s coming up “Voice. Treaty. Truth. Let’s work together for a shared future”  That’s this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, reflecting three key elements to the reforms set out in the Uluru Statement, “From the Heart”. Learn more about the theme. We are invited to walk in a movement for a better future.  This year’s beautiful poster reads, “Early dawn light ...

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Letters to the Editor – Winter 2019

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

More thoughts on marriage from Pittsworth Some thoughts from a regular church attender. I read with interest Barbara Lanham’s comment on marriage in the Summer 2018 edition of Journey. This is her personal view as Pittsworth congregation have not voted on the use of church buildings for marriage. Judging from the number of church people I have spoken to most ...

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Social Responsiblity Review – 12 June

What’s coming up  Living the Change workshops  Queensland’s Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) invites you to two free workshops on 15 June, 2–5pm, and repeated on 30 June, 2–5pm, at St Andrew’s Anglican church, Vulture St, South Brisbane. Join Mark Delaney, (author of Low Carbon and Loving It) and others from ARRCC to learn ways to reduce our ...

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Making a move on mission

I hope all our readers had a blessed Easter. Thanks to the generosity of our donors we were able to sponsor 23 candidates across Queensland—from Toowoomba to Bowen, from Bundaberg to North MacKay—from the 2019 Easter Madness Appeal. This enabled free registration and accommodation for campers outside of the south east corner during the four day Easter Madness Camp held ...

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Church plants integral to the survival of the church

In the first of a series of articles looking at the projects in the Presbytery Mission Program, James O’Callaghan meets three church plants at various stages of development across Queensland. The greatest missionary in history, St Paul, had a rather simple, two-fold strategy. First, he went into the largest city of the region (Acts 16:9,12), and second, he planted churches ...

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Preserving Indigenous languages through the Bible

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned photographs and some names in this article may contain images/names of deceased persons which may cause sadness or distress. Keenkanaman-a, aak ke’an yippakan wun-a, nil WIKan aak nathpalman wun-wun, murkanim anman, nilam Jesus.an. (Than Jesus.an waa’in nunang ke’ WIK anman ngampar, puth nil wik God.antaman waa’-waa’ ngampar, a’ nilan waa’-waa’ ngampar nil ...

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Social responsibility review – 31 May

How do we appreciate our world? It matters not whether we can claim Celtic roots or not; it is within all of us to look at the landscape with spiritual and physical eyes and begin to appreciate it for what it is. A growing passion for the beauty of the world in which we work can lead to a renewal ...

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Social responsibility review – 23 May

What’s Coming up National Reconciliation Week This is an important annual event 27 May to 3 June for all who call Australia home. It begins with the anniversary of the successful 1967 Referendum and finishes with the High Court Mabo land rights decision. This year’s theme is “Grounded in Truth: Walk Together in Courage”. Find events near you. Resources are ...

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