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Search Results for: youth

Letting hope flow

Moreton Rivers Presbytery shared its 2021 mission priorities document Let it flow with members of the 33rd Synod as part of its report by Presbytery Minister Rev John Ruhle, Rev Fa Matangi (Youth and Children’s Ministry coordinator) and Rev Dr Rob McFarlane (Mission Education officer). Since the last Synod in Session, the Presbytery has used the Synod Priority Directions to guide ...

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A new hope for Central Queensland

On the second full day of business at the 33rd Queensland Synod, Rev Arthur Tutin, acting presbytery minister, brought a sense of optimism for the future of life in the Central Queensland Presbytery. Arthur spoke of the diversity of the Central Queensland Presbytery, which stretches from Gladstone to Airlie Beach and west to Longreach and south to Blackall. The land ...

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Clean, clear and purposeful for the future

Moderator Rev David Baker began his report to the 33rd Synod with an affirmation of the collaborative relationship between the Synod office and presbyteries, which David called a “powerhouse” which will bear fruit in the years ahead as the teams cross-fertilise ideas and support each other. He also highlighted the multicultural dimension of the life of the church which he ...

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Dr Scott Heron and saving the Great Barrier Reef

Aitkenvale Uniting Church member Dr Scott Heron is at the forefront of research into the crisis facing the iconic Great Barrier Reef. Dianne Jensen reports. Most Aussie hearts beat with quiet pride at the thought of the Great Barrier Reef. It’s one of the seven wonders of the natural world and right here on our doorstep, a 2300 km ecosystem ...

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A gap year to remember!

Ready to leave high school behind but not ready to jump straight into further study or work? With one in four Australians choosing to take a gap year, Trinity College Queensland’s Activate program provides a challenging new option for Christians. Dianne Jensen reports. Trinity College Queensland Activate coordinator Simon Gomersall has developed an innovative three-days-a-week gap year program aimed at ...

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Reflections on the Reformation and the Uniting Church


In 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany and the rest, as they say, is history. Luther’s call for debate on the faith would lead to the Reformation which shook the very core of European thinking on religion, politics and culture. To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation Dr Janice ...

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These Timor-Leste kids love to see the dentist … meet the Aussie church members who made it possible

The Statement to the Nation (1977) made by the Uniting Church in Australia 40 years ago spelled out the enduring connection between the founding denominations and the churches of the Pacific and South East Asia. A partnership between Glebe Road Uniting Church, Ipswich and Ekaristi Church in Dili, Timor- Leste is proof positive of that evolving relationship. This report by ...

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Number crunching the health of the church

The 2016 National Church Life Survey (NCLS) data results have been released to the public but what do the numbers say about the state of the Uniting Church in Queensland and, more broadly, about Christianity in Australia? Queensland Synod Director of Mission Scott Guyatt investigates. Results from the 2016 National Church Life Survey are filtering through after more than 240 000 ...

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How to spread the Christian message in a digital world

Digital technology can be a powerful tool for the church, whether it’s being used for ministry, administration or general communications. Ashley Thompson and Ben Rogers meet some global leaders in the faith-tech space and talk to members of the Uniting Church community in Queensland about what is being done closer to home. In the constantly evolving landscape of digital technology ...

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