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Tag Archives: AUTUMN2020

Turning our face towards Jerusalem

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

A few people have been saying to me, “Well, you’ve only got a few months to go, I guess you’re winding down”. Anything but. This is a big year of preparation and change in the life of our church. The voice of the church through Project Plenty is an encouragement to all of us in the councils of the church ...

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Autumn 2020 edition now available

Jesus, light of the world

Welcome to the new year and our first edition of a new decade! This time last year we transformed the dimensions of the magazine as well as the page-count and by all accounts you, the reader, have been happy with those changes. As ever, we rely on your feedback to let us know what we’re doing right and what you’d ...

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Letter to the Editor – Autumn 2020

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

Climate change: a coming catastrophe or false alarm? I do believe in climate change as the climate has always changed but I am not convinced that humans have hastened this. There are no more catastrophic events now than previously. Climate change predictions are just that, and often based on computer modelling which has proven to be wrong. In my opinion ...

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Next Gen Aris(ing)

Next Gen Aris(ing)

Now in its fifth year, Next Gen Arise (NGA) continues to support young people from all nations in the church to develop leadership, build networks and corporately worship Jesus. Emma Nicholls meets with NGA’s Project Officer Va Tuilovoni to see what her team and their wide network of supporters have planned for the initiative in 2020. Next Gen Arise has ...

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Meeting God at the cross roads

Meeting God at the cross roads

Delma Lovell has two church communities; her home church of Bundaberg and Coral Coast (Bargara and Burnett Heads) Uniting Church from which she candidated in 2018, and Newlife Brisbane while living at Raymont Residential College and studying at Trinity College Queensland. Delma will complete her Bachelor of Ministry this year. I did not grow up in the church. It wasn’t ...

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Through the cracks light prevails

Through the cracks light prevails

With headlines dominated by devastating bushfires and the threat of a global pandemic there’s a real sense of brokenness in this world, but as UnitingWorld’s Cath Taylor points out, Christ has always worked through the cracks. “Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack, a crack in everything: that’s how the light gets in.” ...

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Back to the future for christian growth

Back to the future for christian growth

Despite what you may have heard, the current status of Christianity around the world is not all doom and gloom: there are still regions experiencing rapid Christian growth and their stories provide useful lessons in how we may be missionally fruitful and socially transformational. Simon Gomersall writes. Brave is the person who attempts to predict the future. Or foolish. I ...

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A new hope or a spiritual decline

A new hope or a spiritual decline

If Star Wars is a significant spiritual and cultural text for our modern world, what does that say about our dependency on pubescent fantasy to make sense of things (including Christianity)? Ben Rogers argues that the popular science-fiction series is perfectly acceptable for young people but is hardly the stuff of serious contemplation for anyone beyond teenage-dom. Unless you’ve been ...

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Wellsprings of hope in a scorched land

Wellsprings of hope in a scorched land

This report is adapted from Uniting Church in Australia Assembly media sources with additional information by Journey writers in the Queensland Synod. Heartbreaking images and stories of the unfolding bushfire crisis were the backdrop to late spring and summer across Australia. Many of the affected communities and properties in Western Australia, the southern states and Tasmania, and up to New ...

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Jesus, light of the world

Jesus, light of the world

Rev Shane Kammermann reflects on the life-giving light of Jesus, illuminating the darkest places in a broken world and surprising and blessing us beyond comprehension. The first words of God recorded in the biblical narrative are “Let there be light”. From those first words, creation emerges with goodness, order, purpose and life extending right down through the ages. A history ...

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