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Generation whatever: Bridging the worship divide

Worship is hands-on at Burdekin Uniting Church, where the congregation enjoys coming together across the generations. Photo by Burdekin Uniting Church.

Whenever two or three gather together in God’s name there will be at least that many views on how to worship. Add different generations into the mix, and being one in the Lord is a challenging task for any worship team. Dianne Jensen reports. We know that there are big differences between age cohorts, but why is it so difficult ...

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In search of the great silence: Rediscovering Christian meditation

Shirley Sargeant facilitates contemplative prayer sessions at Stillpoint in Toowong. Photo taken by Holly Jewell.

The ancient practice of Christian meditation is experiencing a revival, and Uniting Church members are among those rediscovering the value of silence. Dianne Jensen reports. When the street noise and the background chatter finally fade into nothingness, there is silence. And in this place of deep stillness, all subterfuge cast off, we may find that the peace of God does ...

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Storing up treasures for good

Ethical investment cartoon by Phil Day.

Investing ethically is all well and good, but the realities of it are more complex than you may think. Mardi Lumsden explores. Prior to the last Queensland Synod meeting in May 2013 the New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory Synod in Session resolved to divest from stocks and shares in corporations engaged in the extraction of fossil fuels and to redirect ...

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Courageous faith paves the way

Betty Willis (Order of Australia), at her home in Blue Care Toowoomba. Photo taken by Ashley Thompson.

We interviewed Betty about her life and faith on Friday 27 June and sadly advise that since this article was written and went to print Betty has passed away. We have been informed that Betty did have the opportunity to read the article before her passing. She died on Wednesday 6 August 2014 after a short illness. How does a self-described shy ...

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Prepare to meet your maker

UnitingCare Health chaplain, Julie MacKay-Rankin, with a patient in the Wesley Hospital's Palliative Care unit Ward 4A. Photo was supplied.

Are you prepared to die? New research shows Australians are dropping the ball and not planning ahead. Ashley Thompson explores the world of life before death. Twelve years ago a palliative care unit at Brisbane’s Wesley Hospital did not exist. Today, Ward 4A buzzes with nurses and chaplains committed to journeying with patients through the end of life phase. UnitingCare ...

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Never give up

(from left to right) Dave Andrews, Christian community worker and social activist; Sue Hutchinson, Research Officer for the Queensland Synod; Rev Dr Charles Ringma, writer, academic, and founder of Teen Challenge. Photos taken by Holly Jewell. And Lin Hatfield Dodds, National Director of UnitingCare Australia. Photo was supplied.

Dianne Jensen talks to Dave Andrews, Charles Ringma, Lin Hatfield Dodds and Sue Hutchinson about why they keep working for social transformation. “Many people start out with the fire in their belly to set the world alight when they are young; but very few people still have the fire in their belly when they are old,” says Dave Andrews. The ...

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Imagine me complexly: John Green

New York Times bestselling author John Green teaches literature via YouTube. Photo taken by CrashCourse.

Following John Green’s inclusion in this year’s Time 100 and the adaptation of his latest novel into a blockbuster movie, Rohan Salmond talks to him about church, community, teenagers and the universe that wants to be noticed. There are thousands of John Greens in the world, including lawyers, teachers, politicians and even a Bigfoot expert. But John Green the novelist ...

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Number crunch: Does the Uniting Church have a future?

2013 Uniting Church census data displayed in an infographic format.

Data from the 2013 census of the Uniting Church in Australia has been released just in time for its 37th anniversary. It reveals an organisation facing some tough decisions. Dianne Jensen reports. Thirty-seven years down the track, Australia’s first home-grown church is facing a mid-life crisis familiar to any adult wondering where the kids have gone and what lies ahead. ...

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Heading towards a promised end

Rev Rronang Garrawurra and Rev Dr Andrew Dutney share communion at the Destiny Together vigil in Canberra.

The Destiny Together week of prayer and fasting is over. Bruce Mullan looks at what’s next in the Uniting Church’s journey of reconciliation with First Peoples. The paint was washed off the foreheads and the chairs packed away but for those who participated in the Canberra prayer vigil and at other Destiny Together—Justice for First Peoples events around the nation, ...

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John Harrison proclaims faith in the 21st century

Dr John Harrison

Professional communicator and Uniting Church member Dr John Harrison talks to Dianne Jensen. Sons and daughters of the manse grow up living and breathing the mantra of mission and service. As adults they can end up living out their own Christian witness in surprising places. Dr John Harrison is Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication and Undergraduate Program Director at ...

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